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  • shana5
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  • Posts: 240

Posted at 2016-04-14 15:10:45 — Link

1. it would be very helpfull if we could see the stars of GP and DG searching through other players pets. That way if I need a GP3 pet I wouldn't have to open 50 pets to see if they are GP3 or not...


2. it would be great if we could search through our pets for certain gene, if I want to breed or borrow a pet with certain gene, just click it in the search area and it automatically finds all my pets that have that gene...


Thank you :)

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  • arete
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Posted at 2016-04-15 15:43:52 — Link

Support, and support :)

I'd love to be able to search my pets for specific genes. At the moment I can only do it with males, through the Breed page.

And finding other people's secret awesome pets of GP 3 or lower would be nice. Would be nicer if we could clone them *mmmm*

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Posted at 2016-04-15 23:18:11 — Link

I support both, but I'll mention that number two is in the Premium Membership(offering a plus sign for extended search in Search Pets)


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  • shana5
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  • Posts: 240

Posted at 2016-04-17 00:08:03 — Link

Well, yes, but for the second one I ment just to search among your pets, not other players..


arete, you naughty one... ^-^


well, I hope that the suggestions pass forward, although I don't know if we'll be told about that or...

I collect custom skined pets...

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