Posted at 2013-03-13 10:27:30 — Link
I had assumed that once you've bred the pet, the child/inherited data would be generated as well since the baby does take up stable count reardless of it being born. It does make sense as to why data isn't generated immediately as the numbers taken by these babies are generated as they are born, so their logs have just generated.
With all the posts provided, I am assuming that the reason why there is such a downtime and lots of restrictions are because of the processing of data. I am not certain to what context "balance" means in the statements provided, so I am assuming it is technical more than a general "feel" of the site.
I guess what we mean by "Deleting the Pet" is removing their over-all functionality (feeding, space taken, breeding, trading, giving). Keep the gene data, remove everything else. That'll help alleviate some of the unneccessary data.
I am glad that the Reserve feature has been created. Thank you for this and I will definitely be using this feature in the future.
"We can return back the visibility of wild pet stats if you will agree that you can't do anything with the pet before taming is finished even if you don't like this pet."
Was posting my opinion about this topic the reason why pet stats were hidden? Wow, this must have struck your bones and that was not my intention. It sure sounds like a penalty when worded that way and if it is one provided due to an opinion, then I have no problems with it. It's just a shame that I won't be able to plan ahead and sort the pets out conveniently. I'll eventually see it in three days and it bears little influence over-all.
I still stand by the idea of being able to release pets that are taming. If integrity is what is valuable to you, an animal that is still being tamed has done nothing but have data presented. The genes have not passed yet; it will not influence other pets and it will clear out data unnecessary when unwanted and deleted. If the pet numbers are your concern, having a gap in the count will not influence much since it did not bear more to the site than be generated and then deleted. You'll simply have an "invalid pet" page like for those pets that haven't been generated yet. There won't be a lot to lose (just data) unless how the site is coded will have a negative feedback to deleting data logs.
I like RedRarebit's suggestion to have an examination of the pet before you decide to tame it. Perhaps if it really is a concern for you guys, we can have an examiner's fee or a building for that. It's a good compromise and would help processing of data if that is the concern.