Posted at 2015-10-13 22:17:02 — Link
I don't know what it would be called yet, but it would speed up quests for a certain amount of time, depending on the quests. Gold quests would be reduced by one hour, silver quests would be cut in half, and bronze quests take only one hour. this would continue for a certain amount of time, maybe three days, that way you could use it for at least one quest, in case none of your pets qualify.
And it could be blue!
I take pets of all kinds, and train them in my riding hall(up to lvl. 20, 500 silver per level gained)!
I will take any of your pets! But only 3 at a time! And, if you donate for other building projects for me, (Astrologist lvl. 1, for events!) I will also train levels of any of your pets FREE!!! <-depending on how much donated.
Needed(scroll to see everything):
Wood: 0!
Stone: 0!
Clay: 0!
Quartz: 51
Adamantine: 100
Ore: 100