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  • Hazeala
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Posted at 2015-07-26 23:49:41 — Link

FATE - Power of the Stars

Current status: Open and accepting players.

IMPORTANT: This works as a Pnp (Pen and paper) rpg in the manner that encounters, problems and such are described by a GM (Hazeala)  and that there is a plotprogression that changes depending on your actions. This means that although I, as GM, play multiple NPC roles during the RP it is mainly meant for you to enjoy and play. (This is partly practice as GM irl for a DND campaign.)

NB: Please only join if you can write in a fluid and easy to read manner, and be mature about the way the RP progresses.
- This is a novel RP, meaning that replies and plays are made without signs, *#¤, except for when a character speaks, and I would prefer if the lykos in this didn't speak, but instead express themselves through animalistic interaction. (Though that is up for discussion, if you all want them to be able to talk that is what we'll do).

Example of the RP's reply form:
Charcter Name:I run through the snow when I see you falling, the flakes swirling into the air as I jump to get to you, to save you. The blood on your fur fills me with terror, but I don't know what to do. I stop beside you, whimpering to express my concern. Shaking with fear, I stand between you and the attacker. 


High up north, between the mountains and the thundra lives a pack of Lykos. The pack is small, and allthough they have always been born with strong powers of Ice, they are loosing them. The old ones in the pack, though physically weak, are the only ones with true control and real powers of ice and the young ones are barely able to lower the temperature of the air they breath. The pups can't even do that.
When the old ones suddenly starts dying and only few are left with the power of ice, the pack looses its way of life. The packleader Rothos fears that the pack will die out without the protection of the icepowers and knows that something must be done to bring it back.

Legend of the stars:
Back in the time before beastlords and the shortly after the great divide, the first alpha of the Lykos travelled to the highest mountain to beseech the moon for the power to keep her pack safe from attacking enemies and natural disasters. The moon took pity on her and gifted her and her pups with the power of ice. From then on, lykos could freeze the very air they breathe and lower temperatures around them. Some could even freeze the ocean beneath their paws and cross the great waters. When the first alpha had grown old with age and was about to die, the stars came down from the heavens to aks her to dance with them instead. They say that if ever the pack is threathened, she will come down from the skies to freeze the oceans. 

Character form:

Fill out the character form, when it shows up on the list at the bottom, you're in and allowed to start playing as soon as the introducing piece is written.

(Please use the character form below this one, without the suggestions)
(Pup, young, adult, old):
Ice Powers
(Remember that this is dependant on your age, as young you have little to no powers and as adult you only have small tricks. Only if you are old and frail you can have real powers)
(If you don't know or care, don't enter anything and you will be placed depending on the rest of your character description)
(Either a detailed description or a skinname):
Family (Mother, father, siblings in the pack?):
(Can be simple, fx. normal pupdays in the pack):

Ice Powers:

Pack positions:

Alpha pair:
Rothos played by Hazeala (NPC - used for story progression)
Currently unoccupied since Rothos' mate died.

Beta pair:


Young suberdinates:
River played by tingley09



Arune played by Yurik

Strays: (You will need special permission to play a stray!)


NPC roles:
(Marked with blue. - The forms are only filled out with what you need to know for the story and/or are allowed to know at the current point. New knowledge will be marked with yellow for two days time, before being made blue. Not all NPC will get a form here.)

Name: Rothos
Gender: Male
Adult, bordering to old.
Kind, but strong enough to be harsh when it is needed. He snaps easily, and has a hard time apologizing. Loyal, protective, always tries to do the best for the pack. 
Ice Powers:
Not very strong, he has the power to freeze flesh as he bites it, and can at times freeze the things he breathes at.
Alpha male - with no mate and most likely about to step down from the position.
Striped Black (
A young son (playable!) but otherwise his pack is his family.
Rothos was born and raised with the pack and only became Alpha late in his adult years. His mate, the female alpha, Amia, drowned in a sudden flood a year ago together with two of his pups. The third survived and has now become a young male. 

Player roles:

Name: Arune
1 year and 8 Month (normal wolf ages?) Young is about to become an adult
Personality: Mostly shy and a little bit of a dreamer. Due to his position in the pack he is often acted ironical or frustrated with pack members of his age. He is fascinated about the "Magic" of the old members of the pack and has high respect for them. Arune loves to investigate his surroundings and has a good feeling for forms colors and textures. He sees snowflakes as an art form and a wonder of the great wolfs He would love to be able to create ice and "art" on his own. He is very curious and want to know as much as possible. travel the old paths of the packs, communicate with nature and learn more about everything that surrounds him. As well he would love to find out who his father was. Although Arune is not very physical strong he is really quick and agile. Because of that he prefers to flee or avoid a brawl with other young male Lykos. He is very intelligent but sometimes a bit tooo cocky about that.This doesn't help his social position exactly. He is a "weakling" and a "know-it-all stick in the mud". He likes pubs but is unable to cope with them when it is more then two who want to play. He prefers to tell stories to the pubs if he can. To sing the stories of the old is one of Arune's favorite things. And his howl is one of the few things he is aware of that other Lykos are envious about it and really like it to listen to him as well. (if he wasn't so shy....). He is proud of his voice but he is afraid to howl in front of a great audience. Mostly he howls for his mother, the elder or the pubs when he thinks he is alone with them. Still he wants to leave the pack when he is old enough. If the pack hasn't a crisis at stake he may would have already left to see the wonders of the world on his own.
Ice Powers: No active powers so far. Can sense if something is natural or created with ice powers. He is able to assign an aura of the creator. If he knows a Lykos well, with prudent training he can identify the creator.
Packposition: Young Omega want to be Scout apprentice
Looks: Skinname will follow (in progress)
Color: silvergrey black
Pattern: bi color with some light spots at face back and legs
Eycolor: Spring green (light blueish green)
Bodyshape: Ectomorph → lanky, beanpole, wiry
Fur: middle long thick fur, a little bit tousled
Left ear: floppy and the upper part has a bite hole (do to a brawl with same age Lykos which he bitterly lost)
Tail, relative long (as every limb)
Mother: Eos (NPC); Omega
Father: Unknown
Background/Lifestory: Arune is a Bastard of the female omega Eos. He know very little about his father when he ask about him, his mother only says this name was Tervicz and that he had have a beautiful voice like Arune.
As a bastard, to make it even worse a bastard of an omega, Arune never had a high social rang between the Lykos. He was very often the punching ball and doormat for someones bad mood. So he learned erly to be rather on his own and do what higher ranks told him, to avoid being beaten up. He hung out whit the old and the outsiders of the pack or his mother mostly. When it was possible for him, he wandered of alone to check the surroundings and the territory of his home. So far he want to leave the pack, because he sees no good future at this place. But when Rothos speak up that something have to be done or, the pack will die out Arune sees finally a chance to acquire a better position in the pack.
Player: Yurik

Name: River
Gender: female
Age: 1 year old.
Personality: She is kind, and loves making friends. She is bold, and tries to stand for what's right. She is also a big dreamer, and wants to hone her powers, sharpen them to perfection. She always wants to learn, and is eager to try. She tries to be patient, but... Well, let's say that her temper run away from her, She also has big respect for the elders, and always try to learn from them.
Ice Powers: Can lower tempetures.
Packposition: Young Subortinate
Looks: White, black stripes, brown paws.
Family: no
Background/Lifestory: no 
Player: tingley09

  • EmbyrPhoenix
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Posted at 2015-07-28 21:54:59 — Link

Are you still accepting people?

  • Hazeala
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  • Posts: 67

Posted at 2015-07-29 01:28:27 — Link

EmbyrPhoenix (#19762) wrote:

Are you still accepting people?

Yes, Thank you! I'd like at least 2 before starting the RP and so far I've only got one. You're very welcome to join.

  • tingley09
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Posted at 2015-08-30 23:50:27 — Link

Name: River
Gender: female
Age: 1 year old.
Personality: She is kind, and loves making friends. She is bold, and tries to stand for what's right. She is also a big dreamer, and wants to hone her powers, sharpen them to perfection. She always wants to learn, and is eager to try. She tries to be patient, but... Well, let's say that her temper run away from her, She also has big respect for the elders, and always try to learn from them.
Ice Powers: Can lower tempetures.
Packposition: beta
Looks: White, black stripes, brown paws.
Family: no
Background/Lifestory: no 
Player: tingley09

I feel as if I must warn you - I'm evil.

  • Hazeala
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  • Posts: 67

Posted at 2015-08-31 01:01:02 — Link

Now that two players have entered their characters, I think it's time to begin playing!

The packleader carefully made his way up the cliffside towards the main cave. His heart was heavy with worry, for he came from one of the nothern caves, where the old ones, those who no longer had families and mates, lived as they waited for death to claim them. No doubt those caves would be his own home in just a year or two, when he would leave the big cave and the younger part of the pack behind to await his death. He shook his mane, refusing to dwell on that thought as he turned his mind to his current problem.

Today he had lost two of the elders. They had drifted off into sleep, weakened by their age. That in itself wasn't the problem, for they were old and weak and they deserved to find peace. The problem was that they had been the tenth and the eleventh, in as many days. The pack was loosing its elders and with them, their magic. A whimper left the old packleader at the thought. The youngest of the pups showed no sign of the power of ice, and even the older ones from last year, seemed to have little to none. How would the pack survive without these weapons to defend themselves from dragons and other creatures that would hunt and prey upon their young?

As he reached the entrance to the biggest of the caves accecable from the ground, he threw his head back and let out a long and spine-chilling howl, calling his pack together- Demanding that they gather, leaving their evening passtimes behind.

It was time to make a decision. A decision that would either save the pack, or doom it.

  • tingley09
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Posted at 2015-09-03 19:38:12 — Link


River consontrated on what she was doing. She lowered the tempetures, and then tried to create a snowflakes. She opened her eyes, and saw one tiny white thing. She wagged her tail, and then the snowflake melted in the air. But it still was progress!

I feel as if I must warn you - I'm evil.

  • Hazeala
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Posted at 2015-09-28 23:24:23 — Link

Looking around on the collected packmembers made him sound out an unsatisfied growl - Too many of the younglings must have been distracted, for they had not responded to his call. This was however too important and too big a part of the pack's future for the pack to make a decision without all its members collected.
Yet again, he leaned his head backwards - though this time with a bit more reserved - and let another long howl resound through the cave and out into the beginning night.
Come my brothers and sisters - Tonight we gather -
it seemed to say, the tone of it a forewarning of the serious subject he meant to raise.

  • tingley09
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Posted at 2015-09-29 00:40:47 — Link


Her head whirled around, toward the sound of a howl. Her ears twitched, and she bounded towards Rothos urgently. 

May I make a new character, actually, two?

I feel as if I must warn you - I'm evil.

  • Hazeala
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Posted at 2015-09-29 11:44:41 — Link

(Start with one, maybe? But sure - I was hoping more people would join in, but seeing as it seems to be just us, you can play more than one.)

Pacing further inside the cave, he jumped upon the small platform that had been part of the reason why the first of the pack had chosen this cave to be the common room. Jumping atop it with a stiffness contributed to his age, he turned to look at his pack yet again. His body signalled his unrest to the rest of the pack, before he even began talking. Still, he made a satisfied and sort of gruff sound to show how it pleased him to have his family all together. A slight wag of his tail told them how great it was for him to see them.

  • tingley09
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Posted at 2015-09-30 00:10:58 — Link

Name: Frost
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Personality: She has spunk, and is energetic. She loves to play, even though everyone tells her she's to old for that. 
Ice Powers: Can freeze tiny items.
Packposition: Omega
Looks: She is black. She has white paws, and a grey stripe along her back. She has silver ice horns, and brown lining for her face.
Family: Freeze, and if you want, you can play him, but if not, I'll just make him later.
Background/Lifestory:None really.
Player: Tingley09

I feel as if I must warn you - I'm evil.

  • SuperHappy
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Posted at 2015-10-20 01:56:54 — Link

Can I play two too? One will be a female beta, the other the beta's pup, if not, just the beta. Is that all right?

Is this even still active?

Anyway... The betas form

Name: Blackmist
Gender: female
Age: senior adult/in between old and adult
Personality: Caring and motherly towards friends and family, but can also be tough and strict
Ice Powers: Can cause mini spikes to jut out from the ground(is this possible? Tell me if it isn't)
Packposition: beta female
Looks: black with silver stripes(similar to striped black lykos on beastkeeper) with chocolate brown eyes
Family: Tumble, her pup(if I can)
Background/Lifestory: Former stray, was taken in by pack. At first, no one seemed to like her, but later she was accepted
Player: SuperHappy

The pups form

Name: Tumble
Gender: male
Age: pup
Personality: Energetic, impatient
Ice Powers: It is currently unknown if he possesses any
Packposition: pup
Looks: white with caramel spots and blue eyes
Family: Blackmist, mother
Background/Lifestory: Tumble loves to watch the elders use their ice powers, and is constantly trying to do them himself. Hobbies include rolling in the snow, and he tends to brag about how he can use ice powers, and is always humiliated when he can't.
Player: SuperHappy


I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

~ Sirius Black

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Important Threads of Mine(Scroll to see all) My BIGGEST most COMPLEX Forum Game yet! Fun RP! KAMI SUGGESTION!!! REALLY fun game I made up! Another REALLY fun game I made up! My imaginary friends ASK MY IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!! Newest writing, called Diaries of a Cat! Warrior Cat Name Creator Game! My Warrior Cat Name Rater!  Pets for newbies!

  • SuperHappy
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Posted at 2015-10-20 02:17:30 — Link


Blackmist padded across the snow to where Rothos howled. Tumble bounded along side her.

“Why can't I go play? I hate meetings!”

“Shh!” Blackmist urged. “Don't let Rothos catch you saying that. Besides, meetings are usually called when there is danger, or a very serious event. I have a feeling I might know what it's about.”

Tumble's eyes widened. “You didn't tell on me, did you?”

“What do you mean?”

Tumble snapped his mouth shut. Good, she doesn't know about my time with the pumas! I miss Ben...

OOC Tumble often wanders off, and the latest time, he had an encounter with a Puma named Ben. Both of them knew that they should be rivals, but they played together anyway, and became best friends. Tumble and Ben kept it a secret, hoping no one else would find out.


I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

~ Sirius Black

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Important Threads of Mine(Scroll to see all) My BIGGEST most COMPLEX Forum Game yet! Fun RP! KAMI SUGGESTION!!! REALLY fun game I made up! Another REALLY fun game I made up! My imaginary friends ASK MY IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!! Newest writing, called Diaries of a Cat! Warrior Cat Name Creator Game! My Warrior Cat Name Rater!  Pets for newbies!

  • Howdy
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Posted at 2016-01-30 06:01:16 — Link

Can I be a character?

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