Posted at 2013-02-25 11:31:26 — Link
I skimmed through the threads here and didn't see anything I was really looking for, if you made a thread selling something that seems like I might be interested in it I apologize! I must have just missed it D:
But anyhow~ I love the unicorns and I'm looking for some more to add to my collection. So far I've only gotten two out of the game and both are completely white, so I'd really like to get some unicorns that look a little different, as I'm not fond of the white unicorns at all.
I don't know how to value creatures on here yet, but currently I'm not spending my silver on a lot of things, so I'll be doing my best to offer fairly if you don't have a price in mind :3
I'm interested in virtually every other color they come in, but the following are my favorites, and I'd be willing to pay a lot more for them:
Additionally, though they don't have perfect stats, I might also trade or sell my current unicorns if anyone is interested in them. Like I mentioned earlier, they're both white, but different genders (so I have one male and one female). Neither have been bred or battled, though the female I've been using to explore with. She's almost Level 6 now and fights really well against the monsters in explore, being the only creature of mine that can hold her own against monsters higher leveled than her. Ideally, I'd like to trade her for a creature with at least similar stats - anything around Level 5, with no more than three red characteristics would be perfect, but I'd look at unleveled creatures as well. Female sold~ The male is untamed at the moment, but is ready and willing to get the heck out of my stables in roughly two hours xD
Here are my unicorns:
Just post here or send me a PM if you're interested in selling or trading any of your unicorns~ ^ ^