Posted at 2015-04-18 23:15:43 — Link
Inn Building Upgrade
You can only have one person stay at your inn at a time. I think we should be able to have more; 3-5 maybe. The recipes would be the same as the other buildings, increasing the amount of items and coins you need for every upgrade.
State Portal Service Branch
You can send 5 pets to the SPSB. I think we should be able to upgrade it and send more away each day with the upgrade. Sometimes when you breed lots of pets and they end up with degen, you have more than 5 but have to send them to the pound for stable space. You could send away another 5 pets for every upgrade. The items and coins you need will increase with every upgrade like other recipes.
PortysPride suggested that the energy flow cards you recieve from sending your pets to the SPSB should be tradeable.
Pet Checklist
I like collecting the pets on this game and I think it would be useful if there was a checklist of all the pets you have, including the pets in your reserve. Maybe on the skin library or a completly new link to a new page.
I also think it would be a good idea to tally up how many of each pet is on the game so if someone is looking for a specific pet or pets, they can look at the tally to see if there are any of that pet on the game.
I hope some of these suggestions are useful.