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  • Angel
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Posted at 2015-03-30 00:01:49 — Link

Exhibitions Report

The 20th exhibition "Noble Blood" has ended. 332 Beastlords have applied their pets to compete for the prize.

Now it is time to announce the winners!

  1. Aelisk (#364) - 5179 points
  2. Anduin91 (#14895) - 3094 points
  3. Duh (#20352) - 3069 points
  4. Garen12 (#17859) - 3017 points
  5. Monues (#19564) - 3016 points

Registration for the next exhibition is open!

The theme of this week's exhibition is "Rainbow Palette". All pets with custom skins are allowed to participate in this exhibition. You will find complete exhibition rules on the exhibition page.

Orange Singer by hollahollaget_$
Nightingale's Sapphire by Nightingale
Dappled Stag by Monues


Exhibition formula update

Base Skin value may be modified by the skin popularity. For each copy of a particular skin applied to the exhibition, the value of this skin decrases a bit. This decrease is calles popularity penalty.


Participate in Exhibition

Please report here or PM me if you find a skin that is missing a color category.

Game Updates

Following the multiple requests of breeders, Druids used their knowledge of plants to develop a Neutering Serum that makes a pet infertile. This item turned out easy to produce, and now it's available in the State Store.

  • Lytala
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Posted at 2015-03-30 00:40:21 — Link

I just went through all the public skins and these three are the only ones without a color category:

Dragon: Water

Unicorn: The Purple Warrior

Symurgh: Strawberry Dappled Fox

Breeder of trash deviants

  • Angel
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Posted at 2015-03-30 01:20:20 — Link

Lytala, thank you very much for help! All should have colors assigned now :)

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2015-03-30 01:23:14 — Link

Oh exciting! This shall be fun :)

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Braveheart1616
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Posted at 2015-03-30 01:55:30 — Link

I think i was the first one to enter. I was at first place, for 5 seconds

ohauna means family, and no family gets left behind- lilo and stich

  • Sylviianel
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Posted at 2015-03-30 06:00:36 — Link

1. "Skin Value is assessed by exhibition jury when you apply a pet. This parameter varies from 5 to 10 points, doesn't depend on any other pet stats and defined randomly for every skin. You can check this parameter for any applied skin on the pet profile page."

I don't see the skin value listed on the pet profiles of my custom skinned pets; where is it located?

2. This also has to do with skin value, but a different aspect of it. I have 3 pets with the same skin. All of them have the same value. So if a skin has the same value on every pet it's applied to, what is stopping people with rainbow jars from applying the skins of the pets up in the top 5 to get that high score?

  • RhiannonDaxx
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Posted at 2015-03-30 09:13:10 — Link

Wow. With the plethora of "red junk" you have to wade through trying to find anything to breed with, now the hoarders of all the good genes can neuter all the offspring to further ensure no one gets anything. How nice for everyone, lmao.

  • Angel
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Posted at 2015-03-30 11:51:37 — Link

Sylviianel, sorry, there was a bug with skin value not showing in profiles. It's fixed now. As for your second question, the same skin applied several times won't earn the bonus points, so such roster will get twice less points than the one with different skins.

RhiannonDaxx, I see that you're new and probably not familiar with gameplay yet. BK isn't a pet collecting game, so there's no such thing as "hoarding". There are no limited or rare pets except event Kami which are unbreedable by their nature and obtained not through luck but through completing a number of tasks. All pets with good genes were manually bred by players and not just rolled as is on some type of monthly adoption. All players are working with the same base material (wild pets) and have the same possibilities for breeding good pets. There's no chance that you just miss a rare pet when adopting, and won't be able to get it in other way except buying from other players. Though we have a number of fields where chance events are used (just like in the real life genetics), the success is built upon planning and not upon luck. Of course, it's your personal choice if you want to breed good pets yourself or not, but please remember that BK is a breeding game :) And we want to provide a possibility to dedicated breeders to sell their pets without being afraid that private player agreements made on sale will be broken.

  • Aelisk
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Posted at 2015-03-30 13:41:11 — Link

Sweet! Super happy the infertility item got implemented. 

@RhiannonDaxx - Previously, the 'hoarders of all the good genes' would rather not sell or breed out their high end pets at all. This change actually makes it easier for newer people to get a good battling pet. Chances are that more good gened pets will show up in market, and they'll be more affordable than the ones that can breed.  

Rocs: Garuda: Wing and Strike
Cockatrices: Hydralisk
Throdamas: Swarm

Lykos: Fenrir
Symurghs: Primavera
Dragons: Python


Recent progress: Project Perfect

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2015-03-30 18:19:56 — Link

Personally I love this change. I can now sell my really nice lines without fear of them being abused or anything. People can now have access to my war unicorns. I think this will actually encourage peope to sell these pets. And likely they will be valued less than their neutered counterparts. This will really help people have more access. :)

As for the skin values... USE ALL MY SKINS! Dominate the world people! :p *Ahem* I digress.... 

Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls

  Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr

  • Sylviianel
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Posted at 2015-03-30 20:10:39 — Link

@Angel:: No, that's not what I meant. Let me see if I can find a better way to rephrase this...

Duh is in first place with 105 points. They entered 5 unicorns, each with a different skin. Looking at those pets you can see the skins they have. They are Dusk Unicorn, Ride the Lightning, Oceanic Unicorn, Sky Unicorn, and Mandarin. If someone had 5 Rainbow Jars, and 5 Unicorns, wouldn't they be able to apply those skins and enter them?

Even if the Unicorns used didn't have the GP and characteristics of the ones used by Duh they would still get the base points + color bonus + species bonus. I believe that would place them in second, correct? And if they had Unicorns with higher characteristics then they could knock Duh out of first by copying the skins they used, which doesn't seem like a fair thing.


I had the Rainbow Jars that would have been required for such a thing, but I went ahead and used them on other skins I needed for my custom-skin giveaways so I wouldn't be tempted. Ahem, and speaking of my giveaways, I currently have one up in the Contests and Giveaways forum! My Forest Guardians theme was going to be next but, due to this exhibition, I changed it to Dem Bones since I will be giving away 6 custom skinned pets in it (3 of which are deviants under their custom skins). So go ahead and check it out here! You can also post in this thread if you would like to "subscribe" to get a PM from me every time I have a raffle up so you won't miss out on the chance to enter.

I also have some skins up, so feel free to use them! All of my skins are public and free. I've been working on a series of stained glass skins that I'm particularly proud of. 3 have been submitted so far (Unicorn, Cockatrice, and Puma), and if they get more uses I'll start working on the other species.

  • chloegirl17
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Posted at 2015-03-30 20:51:09 — Link

I have two things first you say there is now hoarding of certain pets well people do hoard custom skins because there so hard to get exspecially if your one of the new members. Second i don't get the whole nutering thingisnt the pointof the game breeding good genes and deviants and haveing fun haveing lil baby pets??

  • Braveheart1616
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Posted at 2015-03-30 20:51:25 — Link

I really like that they added the infertility serum. cause i kniw that after im finsished my puma project some of my pets are gonna become neutered.  Because if you dont have the room for some of the pets that you used to breed lets say a deviant dragon and tou needed to give it away you.Could neuter it  and sell so you know for sure that the line wont get messed up. 

@Angel, will there be a symbol to show like in the part where it shows the name and gender in the pound for weather its infertile or not?

ohauna means family, and no family gets left behind- lilo and stich

  • Sylviianel
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Posted at 2015-03-30 20:59:15 — Link

Chloegirl17, I'd like to take a shot at responding to your concerns.

I'd like to repeat what Angel said and say that there is no hoarding; there is no such thing as hoarding here on BK when it comes to pets. If someone is proud of a certain line of good pets they have then they aren't required to give them away. People work hard and dedicate a lot of time into breeding "perfect" pets. Don't expect good things to just be handed out. BK is not about instant gratification; you should set goals for yourself and work to achieve them over time.

Custom skins require Rainbow Jars. These jars can be bought from the Premium Shop for gold or they can be found while exploring in chests, magic shops, hero cults, or guardian temples. They're compatible with the Astrologist building too, so you can set it to help increase the chances of you finding them. BK has a talented community of artists and the custom skin system is a great way to showcase this talent. If people like certain skins, or want to support an artist, there is nothing wrong with them using a bunch of jars on their own pets. This isn't hoarding. I actually give away custom skinned pets while only personally owning 4 of them.

The nuetering thing is to help prevent people from abusing "perfect" pets. If a user spends months weeding out bad genes in their pets and breeding in good ones, it wouldn't be fair for them to sell one of their "perfect" pets to someone who could then use it to breed their own line of "perfect" pets with minimal effort. A lot of users don't want their hard work to be taken advantage of like that.

  • Nightingale
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Posted at 2015-03-30 21:20:18 — Link

@Chloegirl - I have been on petsites for at least 13 years now. I've noticed many things, but I have noticed a stark difference in the way Beastkeeper handles pets that you can make modifications to. 

Wajas can be ridiculosly hard to create certain breeds... I used to be a top player there. I had many First gens and noticed that some breeds were terribly hard to aquire. On that site, people did hoard. You could only get them by using CWP (the real monye currency) or through other users connections. That was hard. It was quite limited (save a few exceptions). 

On Aywas- Altering a pet is very confusing sometimes! There are so many levels to alterations and they can be super pricey! 

On Beastkeeper however it is perfectly possible to acquire a custom skinned pet without putting a drop of money into it. As Sylviianel stated you can find rainbow jars, for free, on the islands while exploring. There are also many free skins up for use! Most are quite cheap. My recolors are 250 silver, my custom bases are 5k (Nordic Lykos are also 5k). It takes a long time to make these skins, so having that reward is nice. Some of my custom custom bases take over 6 hours all together! 

I have made 43 custom skins, but I only own 8 myself. 

As for making the perfect pets, everyone so far has valid points. It is very hard to make a pet with the perfect genes. Once sold, if they are even sold on the open market, they can go for ridiculous prices! I personally only do those via private sales. I dont' want my lines abused and inbred and like to keep them neat. Being able to neuter a pet allows me to sell them for actually sane prices and give me that piece of mind of the "intactness" of my own lines. It takes a lot of effort and trial and error to get the pets that you want. We don't want to cast them aside willy-nilly. we want them to be appreciated, taken care of, well bred, and used well. Which means that yes, they are expensive, but it is for good reason. Neutering allows us to lower the price. 

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