Posted at 2014-08-25 00:01:29 — Link
Exhibitions Report
The 6th exhibition "Rainbow Palette" has ended. 120 Beastlords have applied their pets to compete for the prize.
Now it is time to announce the winners!
Registration for the next exhibition is open!
The theme of this week's exhibition is "Warrior Clan". All male pets are allowed to participate in this exhibition. You will find complete exhibition rules on the exhibition page.
Participate in Exhibition
Game Updates
- Item Exchange has different search fields for offered and wanted items.
- Item and pet auctions have a checkbox "Show only lots with buyout" that allows to filter out the lots without buyout
- You can exclude pets with Degeneration from search results by setting Degenration option to 0.
- *Premium* Site wide pet search have an option to search pets by owner. Another side of this addition is ability to search among user's own pets.
- User search now displays user avatar, ID, role and achievements in search results.
- There's a new set of Throdama specific quests. Finally Europa dwellers get used to these strange and sometimes scaring creatures and found out that they can be extremely useful.