Posted at 2014-06-05 15:51:51 — Link
I'm kind of in waterline. I totally understand the need to balance the economy however, as stated above, the item limit for some items seems actually vreck the game. Building is what interests everyone and having limited stocks helps to keep items value true but items like food and vermillion... Maybe I'm pessimist but with some years on the belt, I just see so many ways things can slowly start to slip to the setting where no alternative ways of playing are gamewise rewarding.
I mentioned two exceptions, I see a bit problematic with the recouse limits. At least, with the limit of 999 units at time. Perhaps, if the limit was much higher. But to the arguments: as stated above seems like most players hoard vermillion to use it more at once. It has also been the one item which has kept it's value. Without the ability to research as many pets at time as needed, I'm afraid the traditional breeding is not much appealing anymore. It's slow by all means already (finding, researching, training, breeding and researching the ooffspring), if there will still be days of wating to be done only to try to collect enough vermillion for the project it's starting to get to the point where only really wise choice is to use far bred pets with as many known genetical generations as possible. This, obviously, can also make the newbies playing a lot harder since the markets for pets are already so narrow.
Then the food. Thinking situation player has 200 pets (stable lvl.4), each eating that 18 units per day, if even it's 3 units per day per food item they would consume 600 units of one type of food in one day. With the current limit, that would mean that each player with bigger stables have not only worked hard to build such things but also should spend possibly hours of gathering trying to refill the stocks before next day. Considering golems only craft 50 units and only four types from six even exists, doesn't this end up to situation where people either have to spend hours and hours each day trying to collect food or silver to feed the pets? Quests and exploring being the most reliable way to gain any coins, this means that newbies are again the struggling part of players, they and the players who doesn't happen to have the most commonly wnated pets to be sold for silver for possible food at times it's impossible to stock enough for bad day. Obviously, this also means that the gathering has to happen each day, instead of the possibility to focus some day only to one part of the game letting the pets eat from existing stocks.
I'm not saying everything should be offered on silver plate, but there are a limit how difficult or time consuming things can be made. I know it's problematic to try to keeping economy up while providing possibilities for all: challenges for old players yet environment where new players can start their game as well. But after that critical point the game may start to appear more straining than fun, feeling more like obligation than rewarding way to challenge.