Boards < Offtopic < Offtopic < Sticky: How old are our players?


Poll: How old are you?

Less than 10 years old
10 votes / 3%
10-15 years old
127 votes / 40%
16-20 years old
87 votes / 27%
21-30 years old
72 votes / 23%
31-40 years old
14 votes / 4%
More than 40 years old
7 votes / 2%

  • Rising_Phoenix
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  • Posts: 84

Posted at 2015-03-11 22:11:49 — Link


~Rising like a Phoenix from the ashes~

Idiom of the Phoenix.

  • kittensrule321
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Posted at 2015-03-14 16:24:03 — Link




  • Braveheart1616
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Posted at 2015-03-17 03:52:29 — Link

Im 10-15, definetley not +40

ohauna means family, and no family gets left behind- lilo and stich

  • GriffonSeeker
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Posted at 2015-05-03 17:08:03 — Link

10-15, but no saying what...

  • princessslothie
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Posted at 2015-06-13 22:32:46 — Link

A little less than 10.


  • jennahuman
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Posted at 2015-08-01 18:46:15 — Link

i is 11



  • TheAmazingBlaise
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Posted at 2015-08-08 14:20:39 — Link

I'm one of the average 12-15

When Life gives you LEMONS, you can't make lemonade. You don't have the SUGAR.

If a kid was beating a dog with a bat, 49% would stop and stare, and 50% would walk away. I am the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid.Put this on your signature if you were the 1% who would grab the bat and beat the kid.

92% of the girls/boys would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls/boys would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls/boys would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

90% of teens would die if Facebook's Server crashed. If you are the 10% that would die laughing, copy and paste this in your Signature.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

  • Splendid
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  • Posts: 3

Posted at 2015-09-24 04:38:46 — Link

I'm 17! And new to this game OvO

hello all <3

  • Poltergeist
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Posted at 2015-12-25 21:19:35 — Link

I am 32

  • SilverDragon568
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Posted at 2015-12-26 02:03:05 — Link

I'm 13

  • EternalMoon
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Posted at 2015-12-31 03:00:28 — Link

10-15 years old. 11 Years turning 12 on January 22nd.

If in the middle of the street a kid was batting a dog, 82% of people would just go by, 9% would yell at the kid and 3% of the people would take the bat away from the kid and start beating the kid with it. Put this into your signature if  you are the 3%!

92% of the girls/boys would cry if Justin Bieber fell off a cliff and died. 7% of the girls/boys would scream and jump off the cliff after him. 1% of the girls/boys would have been the ones who pushed him off the cliff. Put this on your signature if you were the 1% that pushed him off.

90% of teens would die if Facebook's Server crashed. If you are the 10% that would die laughing, copy and paste this in your Signature.

94% of people think that wolves are vicious, evil animals. Copy and paste this into your signature if you're one of the 6% who love wolves and think they are shy and amazing creatures.

  • SuperHappy
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Posted at 2016-01-11 01:04:02 — Link


All the mental age quizzes tell me I'm a toddler, though, so....yeah. I'm smarter than one, that doesn't mean I don't act like one. ^^


I want you to listen to me very carefully, Harry. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.

~ Sirius Black

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Important Threads of Mine(Scroll to see all) My BIGGEST most COMPLEX Forum Game yet! Fun RP! KAMI SUGGESTION!!! REALLY fun game I made up! Another REALLY fun game I made up! My imaginary friends ASK MY IMAGINARY FRIENDS!!!! Newest writing, called Diaries of a Cat! Warrior Cat Name Creator Game! My Warrior Cat Name Rater!  Pets for newbies!

  • Nightstar
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Posted at 2016-03-13 22:35:42 — Link

10-15. Yay, it's the majority!

"Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god.

Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.” 

  • SusanWellsworth
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  • Posts: 385

Posted at 2016-04-03 01:01:03 — Link

SuperHappy (#38518) wrote:


All the mental age quizzes tell me I'm a toddler, though, so....yeah. I'm smarter than one, that doesn't mean I don't act like one. ^^

I'm 14, but whenever I take those quizzes, it says I'm 7... And all my friends say I act like one too lol.

  • GravityFallsGal
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Posted at 2016-04-12 23:51:53 — Link



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