(To adopt)
Pet Name: Nameless (Going to name her either Freesya or Liberty)
Pet Species and Color: Bay skewbald unicorn.
(Optional; Reason for chosing this pet: ) I really like this unicorn's skin, She's beautiful! D'awww, I would sell my soul for her.
I promise I won't come back, (I will but I will donate I won't take pets anymore) because I already took Aerith.
"Um, Liara, there's no pumas named Sasha in the up for adoption section ^.^"
I think she meant the actual puma up for adoption, and she probably meant she was going to name it Sasha.
10.14.2013 ~ 02.13.2014
I love you more than the world, from the beginning to the end that'll never come.