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  • crystalocean500
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Posted at 2019-10-13 02:57:09 — Link

I went under the List of Custom Skins tab but couldn't select a skin for my pet even though I had enough silver coins. Why is this?

  • ChaseTurnleaf
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Posted at 2019-10-13 12:10:13 — Link

@ crystalocean500 you need to have a rainbow jar in order to get a custom skin, as well as have the pet under your 'active pet' section :)

'Such is human memory... you forget the truth and believe what makes you feel better. '

  • kb1518910
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Posted at 2019-11-12 17:55:49 — Link

I let Bravelion borrow a female black tiger pattern deviant. She sold her to someone else. What do I do?

Deviant Puma Breeder

  • Cloudhuntress
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Posted at 2019-11-25 08:48:51 — Link

what if u can't buy the gold conis or do anything how elso can u do to get an  upgrade on ur stable????????????

????? HELP

  • Angel
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Posted at 2019-11-25 09:10:03 — Link

Cloudhuntress (#82128) wrote:

what if u can't buy the gold conis or do anything how elso can u do to get an  upgrade on ur stable????????????

????? HELP

You'd want to upgrade your Stable through construction. To do that, you need to find and learn Blueprints: Stable (lvl 2), and then construct Stable (lvl 2) in the Craft & Construction section. You may find the blueprints in Explore or purchase from other players (for example, through the Item Trades). The Stable has 5 levels with the 5th allowing you to keep up to 250 pets. 

  • Karatefinch
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Posted at 2019-12-10 07:20:09 — Link

How do I check how many rating points I have? Just earned a few and have no idea where to see the amount I have

we ball 

  • Firehawk
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Posted at 2019-12-18 20:56:10 — Link

How do i upgrade my stables? 


Edit: oh nvm i just saw the answer xd

Im FireAuraDragon, I changed my name for personal reasons :)

Slayer of the Auras and Queen of the Land of Phoenix

Alexas Writing Contest! (Giving Out Prizes)

Also a Deviant and GP3 Breeder!

The Fire Market- Custom Deviant Breeding!

On To The Pet Shows!

The Current Show Is A Deviant Gryphon Show!

  • Sigalit
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Posted at 2020-01-07 01:56:27 — Link

Is there a way to quickly restore energy of pets, without spending real money for 'energy drinks'?

I don't have time or patience to wait for several hours so that I can actively play for 30 minutes per day, or to wait for weeks until I have enough pets to make it entertaining. I joined two days ago and I'm dying of boredom, tbh.

  • Nightswan
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Posted at 2020-01-07 02:35:42 — Link

The game is all about waiting, my dude. Crafting, quests, everything is going to take a lot of time that can't really be sped up. If that's not your style, I guess it's just not your type of game, yeah?

Anyway there's a building called Sanctuary that can restore a single pet's energy for free once per day. There are also certain event items such as Aromatic Beans and Stimpacks that can increase energy capacity or energy generation. 

Lastly you can try and get on weekly charts to earn gold coins for free, and then use them to buy energy drinks.


A lot of the players here that have tons of pets and can spend more time have invested a lot in this game over time. I know a lot of what would be considered a "good player" that was here since four or five years ago.

"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts." -obama in some guy's dream




  • arete
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Posted at 2020-01-07 17:59:56 — Link

Yeah, this game is long-term. You basically build up a lot of pets over time, and get pets that serve one or more functions.

I have pets that can do quests, I have deviants that just hang around looking pretty, and I have ones that are specifically bred to defeat monsters of various kinds.

I have also bred pets that are specifically good  at fighting etelia, most notably poisonous, regenerating, acid spit cockatrices. I want to try my massive winged lightning rocs too.

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Random acts of senseless kindness.

  • LadyNesryn
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Posted at 2020-01-08 22:34:33 — Link

What are titles for? Thanks for being here to help users out, by the way!

"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees are contorted, twisted in wierd ways and still they are beautiful"

Alice Walker

  • arete
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Posted at 2020-01-08 22:40:10 — Link

Basically an easy way to group beasts over time.

Say, every lykos you've ever bred. One click on the title, and the game takes you to a page that shows you all of them.

Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Random acts of senseless kindness.

  • Summiepops
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Posted at 2020-01-10 17:53:00 — Link

hey! I was gonna ask if anyone knows what star power is. im quite a new player so i dont know. my cocatrice thats level 50 has it but i dont know what it is?

Can anyone help? I would appreciate any answers. Thanks


  • Nightswan
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Posted at 2020-01-10 20:01:52 — Link

I only know one person that refers to it as Starpower in a title and that's lamel. Generally people call them GP(Genetic Power) and DG (Degeneration)

If it's a green star, it's Genetic Power, which is gained through specialized breeding and each star gives +10 to all characteristics of that pet. So a pet with 3 green stars would have a +30 stat boost to their characteristics, plus the gene bonuses.

If it's a red star it's Degeneration, which is also gained through "specialized" breeding (some people do actively try to get it.) It gives the chance to mutate negative or red genes such as Weak Muscles, etc. Generally people who're aiming to breed extremely good pets avoid this and it is gained by breeding closely related pets together.

"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts." -obama in some guy's dream




  • LadyNesryn
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Posted at 2020-01-11 21:52:59 — Link

arete (#15328) wrote:

Basically an easy way to group beasts over time.

Say, every lykos you've ever bred. One click on the title, and the game takes you to a page that shows you all of them.


"In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees are contorted, twisted in wierd ways and still they are beautiful"

Alice Walker

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