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  • MishaBaby
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  • Posts: 44

Posted at 2013-05-10 03:37:31 — Link

I caught one on the 6th coming from the Heart of the Forest to the Waterfall. Do they spawn in the Heart of the Forest? In the FAQ, it says they spawn all animals spawn in their den, but it doesn't say if each animal has more than one den. The reason I ask is because I have been camping that zone since I caught the Unicorn, and nothing has ever been there since. Is it not possible to catch something in its den? Do the animals have more than one den they can spawn in? If I don't have access to an area (like the ones that require climbing gear), do animals still spawn there even though I have no way of getting them? I read in someone else's post that the respawn time is 36 hours. It's been almost twice that now. I have had a catcher in the Heart of the Forest at every single month change, and have even posted watchers every now and then, but none of them has seen hide nor hair of another unicorn. This is getting to be incredibly frustrating. I won't have the 10K required for the Cartographer's Guild anytime soon, either, so you guys are my only source of info here. Thanks for reading, and for any help you can give. <3

Looking for Foundation Unicorns with no red stats.
Yes, I have a sale section. Take a look at my "Take Them Home" tab to see what I've currently got for sale. All pets, regardless of how many red stats, 1k minimum. All pets unresearched with no red stats 1.5K, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Fully researched 3.5k, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Prices above set minimums negotiable.
I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click   HERE    to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.

  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2013-05-10 18:36:05 — Link

Unicorns can spawn in any ground den. A pet can be caught in any location but it's harder to catch it in its den.

8 cycles timeout works for pet spawning, not for den. There was the same question reported in bugs recently, please read this post for details:

Flying pets spawn in the dens which are not accessible without special gear but you can catch them on the fields or watering points even if you don't have this gear.

If you don't know where to look for a certain wild pet, you can use observers (or catchers but they have a higher chance to ran away when meet the wrong pet) and figure out the movement order of your current wild pets in a 2-3 cycles. Then you can be sure where to put your catchers for the next cycle.

  • Timain
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  • Posts: 723

Posted at 2013-05-10 19:04:57 — Link

Eek, I had a huge reply typed out, but then had to leave the computer and now Angel beat me to it xD

Just a few extra things that may be helpful to you:

  • Although pets spawn at different Dens, once a pet spawned at its den, it will always go back to that one. Say a Roc spawns at Island, it will take its turns going to a watering hole and a hunting area (or the other way around) and then return to the Island.
  • The gear to reach the other dens is pretty easy to craft and it has unlimited uses, so it's definitely worth getting.
  • Just a side-note, perhaps try building an Inn before the Cartographer's Guild. It has much easier material requirements and once you have that you can invite Clairvoyants, which will show you where pets are, just like the Guild would. If you tell me what you are missing for the Inn, I could possibly help out a little.

  • MishaBaby
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  • Posts: 44

Posted at 2013-05-11 03:49:31 — Link

Thank you both very much! This information has been been incredibly enlightening. Of course, this now begs the question, how do these animals despawn? I believe I saw somewhere that they don't, that in order to get them out of there you have to catch them. Is this true? I really hope that if this is the case, it gets fixed soon. With the limits on our Keep sizes coupled with the Taming status debuff, that would just seem horribly OP. >,< lol

Timain: Thank you very much for the tip about the Inn! I had read a little on that particular building and thought of building one, but only in passing since the Invites you speak of are a premium item. I actually happened upon one while exploring (woo, yay luck! XD) but in light of the serious amount of restrictions in place for trying to capture a wild pet, I do not forsee myself ever using it until I get a Cartographer's Guild. They are just too hard to come by (and too costly, for that matter) to waste. I will definitely be investing in an Inn shortly after I get my Guild, but I'd rather be able to actually see the map first. Oh, and btw, that kitty in your avatar is just too kewt!! ^.^

Looking for Foundation Unicorns with no red stats.
Yes, I have a sale section. Take a look at my "Take Them Home" tab to see what I've currently got for sale. All pets, regardless of how many red stats, 1k minimum. All pets unresearched with no red stats 1.5K, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Fully researched 3.5k, +100 for each green stat (more for very rare stats). Prices above set minimums negotiable.
I have many, many suggestions, and I'd love your feedback on them! Click   HERE    to check them out, and please comment. Thanks! Current number of suggestions in the thread: 10.

  • Timain
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  • Posts: 723

Posted at 2013-05-11 11:46:13 — Link

It is true, they stay on your map until you capture them. However, I don't think that's a bad thing at all, and I highly doubt it will get changed anytime soon to be honest.

If you have pets on your island you don't want and catch them, you can either sell them if they have decent stats or you can send them to the pound and get 1000 silver for them. This means that you should be able to recoup any losses from capturing the pet if you have a clairvoyant or the cartographer's guild pretty easily.

Also when you explore more, you will start getting a lot of invites. I always have a LOT left. And since i have the cartographers guild now, i always sell clairvoyant invites in the trades. This means it pays for you to always check if there are some being sold, they're usually not *that* expensive. And since a guest stays for 3 days, it means you can usually catch all the pets on an island before the clairvoyant leaves again. I would highly recommend building the inn.  i had huge problems getting everything for the cartographers guild together and the Inn is a really handy inbetween in my opinion


And thanks, the kitty is one of my three cats, a female Tonkinese named Simba xD She really is a cutie =)

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