Honestly I don't see any problem with it but I am certain that if it becomes a problem they will cap it at one pet limit reward a day. If you breed bad pets to throw in the pound you're wasting your time because you could be using that time to breed good pets to complete the higher payout quests (something which I've almost 100% mastered) and be getting up to 20k a day just spending 20 seconds doing quests. Why is 1k a day going to make much of a difference? In a YEAR you can make 365k whereas in quests I'll be making at least 3.5 mill in quests (that might be a little conservative though since I think I average anywhere from 10 to 15k a day).
Long story short, the game economy is already flooding with money because all trading is player-to-player with VERY LITTLE sinks to take money out of the economy.
Sure, buildings cost a lot... but they only have to be built once and with how cheap blueprints are, it costs only half of what it used to to make ALL of the buildings.
Sure, gene research is kinda costly... except for the fact that vermillion is and forever will be the rarest material in the game. With the HARD CAP on exploring, you can't just go out and earn 100 vermillion in a day anymore. You get 24 explores A DAY FLAT plus 25 if you dump 5 pets into the toilet service. Admittedly they did raise the vermillion from seals back to 1-2 so we're finally getting a tiny bit of vermillion back. But we will never get enough vermillion in a day to blow through the money we make questing.
Feeding pets drains money very slowly from the site but again, doesn't compensate for quest gains.
So what else is there to draw money out of the game? Nothing much. If vermillion wasn't so scare I would breed and research WAY more to go towards my goal of perfect pets, which would help drain money from the economy because I'm sure a lot of other people would spend lots of gene research; but as it is I breed 2-3 pets a day and hardly have enough vermillion to do selective researching.
So, my point is, in the long run 1000 silver a pet is not going to ruin the economy because it is already on its way there anyways.