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  • Nobody456
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Posted at 2023-10-20 07:31:49 — Link

This game has so few people, I'm tempted to pay people treasure/gems on flight rising to play for an hour to see if they like the game (and hopefully continue playing) to get more people on. Literally this game goes months without any activity in the forms. 

Trading everything I own on here, including all items and pets, for things on Flight Rising. There's a reddit post on the Flight Rising subreddit showing all items I have. For fastest response, find me on Flight Rising, my username is Nobody999.

  • OceanTempest
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Posted at 2023-10-22 19:36:03 — Link

It is pretty quiet here. There are some people who play more or less regularly but tend to keep to themselves most of the time. (I might sorta be one of those...) I mean, like you said, it could take months for anybody to reply to a thread in the forums, which is why some people just don't bother posting.

I believe someone did make an unofficial discord for the game, but I have no idea how active it is since I'm not on discord.

  • Poe
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Posted at 2023-11-09 11:29:01 — Link

if all goes as it should, there is little reason for flooding forums with your writing.

usually I see people posting to find out how to advance their game, or to get help of any kind.


if you wish to be replied to your question, the usually more reliable way is to log in and send a private message to the person.


another thing is difficulty in finding out if you like the game and if you participate in multiple games at once then it may seem that you are rarely active in any of them.

  • Nikanom
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Posted at 2024-12-13 15:20:43 — Link

It really is unfortunate, cause the game has a decent bit to offer if you're willing to invest a little time. That said... I think its also why new players often drop out. It's a bit intimidating.

  • Poe
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Posted at 2024-12-24 10:25:05 — Link

this is interesting - this one is being seemingly better than most, so I stick to it, but I never think being busy posting on discord or the forum is a requirement to ''win'', whatever your goal is, possibly except trading.

being discouraged from posting is one thing, not needing to post is another.

silence allows words be heard, this is natural, not ''intimidating''.


I have asked others: where else they play? (for reference); nobody cares to answer, so it means the silence has more to do with players and is not necessarily inherent to the game.

  • lamel
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Posted at 2024-12-25 11:09:47 — Link

a game lives from the usual structures and the new things. We have since years here only the old, usual structures, nothing new happens. Now not even our "usual" christmas gift is here, which brings a little joy and variety.

Certainly the players stop playing and no activity in the forum anymore. Even my "old, biggest
competitors" are gone, i feel like a dinosaur on the verge of extinction.
Sure there are enough other games, with activ developers. But It makes me somehow sad, this game have had so many potential.

After some years of running, there should be made some
adjustments, like more battlefields, so beginners and players with less squads would have a chance there too (if someone have more than 5, and more than 10, etc squads, it is not possible to enter the different "beginner-battlefields" anymore - something like that). More events like we had years ago, to get special creatures. And maybe something like a raffle, so the newer players could get the old, special creatures.
well, there are thousands of possibilitys to make this game interesting again (and with that people would be more actic in the forum), but without activity from the owners/developers it will be dead somehow, no matter what we players want or do.

(hope my rusted german-english is understandable and i'm not too far away from the thread-theme)

anyway - merry Christmas to Everyone, who is still here :-)

  • Tiger_Claw
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Posted at 2024-12-25 17:27:46 — Link

Merry christmas! Thank you lamel, that battlefield idea sounds great :)

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

  • Poe
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Posted at 2024-12-26 11:26:29 — Link

this one is keeping its potential, not loosing it - that is exactly why some new people keep coming and some old people keep being present.

initial ''new-ness'' usually means difference from others, not permanent changes; too much changing risks people loosing their initial interest and changes, if any, are according to what developer(s) plan.

with two people developing two games at once their presence may seem faded, being busy elsewhere.

it already is interesting here - that is why we are here; without anything worthy to offer everybody would be gone, not only some.

  • lamel
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Posted at 2024-12-27 08:21:19 — Link

i just looked, because of activity - Angel had not been online for 2 month and Voron not for 9. the writers had been online last time 5 and 8 years ago. And the only more-or-less-active moderator left is my dear friend arete, all others ar inactive for years now.
Without active developers this game will die sooner or later.
If some of the players left are artists and/or game-programmer, they could write to Angel/Voron, maybe they let them activate the game again-?

  • beastking12
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Posted at 2024-12-29 16:46:07 — Link

Is there any way to get in contact with the game creator(s)? We could always offer to have new moderators etc!

  • WarriorsFan#3126121
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Posted at 2024-12-29 20:22:52 — Link

What about the company who supports the game? Surely, they'll have Angels info, and ask if shes okay, and if they can put a temporaly game programer to keep the game going until shes okay enough to continue on. If not... I don't know. :(

May Starclan light your path.

  • beastking12
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Posted at 2024-12-29 22:09:29 — Link

I emailed the contact us thing so I'll keep yall updated 

  • Tiger_Claw
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Posted at 2024-12-29 22:24:30 — Link

Yeah, I tried contacting Angel thru in-game Dms , twice actually, to ask if there could be new mods, but no response. Maybe Beastking will be  successful

"Even though we might have lost tonight/The skyline reminds us of a different time" - Alan Walker, Different World

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