Boards < Offtopic < Other Games < list of virtual animal sites


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  • Poe
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  • Posts: 129

Posted at 2024-04-01 16:56:20 — Link

I am thinking about joining another site like this one, out of what is available (while remaining active here as well, but this one sets standards high so I am picky):


I am looking at avoiding sites which automatically disable user accounts after some inactive period and I am unsure why some sites forbid using a proxy.

sometimes the only way to find a game worth joining is by registering there (possibly only to find it to the user's dislike and never coming back to it).

I am interested to know if you have any good and lasting experience with any free-to-play site from the three lists linked here, unless you know some more comprehensive or encompassing list than those linked here.

  • Cpvr
  • User
  • Posts: 2

Posted at 2024-09-25 04:47:06 — Link

Thank you for the shoutout!  I'm the owner of Virtualpetlist. We also have a forum where you can discuss various virtual pet sites as well, so be sure to register and our members can help you out!


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