Posted at 2023-02-03 22:00:11 — Link
What are Pet Groups and Titles used for? I know you can make Pet Groups and use them to sort your pets but I don't know if they have any use/importance beyond that, and I have no idea what Titles are for.
Posted at 2023-02-03 22:00:11 — Link
What are Pet Groups and Titles used for? I know you can make Pet Groups and use them to sort your pets but I don't know if they have any use/importance beyond that, and I have no idea what Titles are for.
Posted at 2023-02-06 16:02:08 — Link
Basically I use Groups to help me find various pets.
Titles you can use to keep track of, say, every lykos you've ever bred, or every Fearsome Look dragon you have.
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