Wonder why people keep not having any room, especially when they should be expecting loaner pets. -- Try to have enough room for the pets you'll be expecting + 2~5.
@Clepsydra -- Don't have a Warrior Throdama yet, and you already got the Roc.
@16anumber -- No gryphons that meet your needs; as for Throdama and Cockatrice, I sent ya the loaners.
@PantherSeal -- Let us know when you get some room, as Sapphire said you don't have any.
@Sun_Shower -- Sorry, don't have any Genealogist pet, besides maybe Symurghs, so can't help you.
@SapphireScythe -- Bet Expert and Piebald have been sent.
Now then, only need help with one quest today:
Conclave of Warlocks is looking for a clever (51) Gryphon with high intuition (55) which is Descendant of Heroes in 2 generations or higher to craft a potent potion
My Pet Sales page --
Currently have 3 extra Blueprint: Military Academy level 3
#cfddcf -- #d0e7ba