Posted at 2020-12-31 16:57:00 — Link
Hello guys!
So I joined this game a month ago and was really interested in the battlefield. I can build a squad but before that I have some questions.
1. Are squads permanent? After adding 4 pets to a squad, can you still change the pets in a squad or are they there forever?
2. I see that in the Tactics FAQ you can get special tactics when you get a certain amount of genetic power and battle wins. Does battle wins mean the arena or the tactics? I have a pet roc called Menteros (GP3) with a lot of wins but I can't see Theory of Chaos on his tactics page. Am I doing something wrong?
3. Do you need level 50 pets to go on the battlefield? What are the benefits?
4. What are the rewards if you are not in any places that grant you vermillion and other stuff?
5. I see a lot of squads with the same 4 animals. Why is that?
6. Should you always include elemental attacks as one of the tactics? Like fire strike, lightning strike, etc?
That's all the questions I have for now. Thank you so much for your time!
Graduated from being an apprentice flying animal breeder! I have perfect breeding lines for all except pumas (looking for the female). My main passion is the white diluted roc (I have pages of them). Join my Roc Breeding Group! Special trades here: Roc Requests
Looking for:
- Mercenary License
- Rainbow Jars
- Crystalline Ice
- Deviants
- Vermillion
I trade with perfect double homozygous pets, deviants, apparel, backgrounds, potions, magic food, and silver!
Special thank you to those who have helped the newbie me: Sicy, Starblazer, Lorry14, Nightswan, SerialkillerXO, Firehawk, RushingRiver, Canamdragon, MissAkito, Cute but Psycho, Foxxclaw, Sakreeno, LadyNesryn, Monues, Crazeybonez, arete, NightbaneWolf!