Posted at 2020-11-25 09:46:10 — Link
Hello! I am a new player that has just started and I have a couple of questions.
1. my warehouse is already filled up from adventuring and I am not sure what to do. I cannot get any extra items during exploration and can't find/even buy any warehouse lv 2s because my warehouse is full. I'm not sure what to do and I don't want to destroy any items in case I need them. Is there any way I can sell my items?
2. when do you actually build buildings? I have a couple of blueprints but they all seem to be very expensive in terms of wood and stone.
3. how do you get more vermillion? I want to find out genes but can never get enough through exploration. I have a vermillion golem scheme and was wondering if I should save up like 90 vermillion so I can build 3 golems with one scheme and get more profit as opposed to only building 1 golem and losing the scheme. I only have one vermillion right now though so either way that is going to take a while.
4. When should you use energy potions? I have 5 stored up from the tutorial but am not sure if I should save them or just use them immediately in exploration. Can I use the potions during exploration?
5. Which islands are best for exploration (for newbies)? Does it matter?
Thanks a lot!
Graduated from being an apprentice flying animal breeder! I have perfect breeding lines for all except pumas (looking for the female). My main passion is the white diluted roc (I have pages of them). Join my Roc Breeding Group! Special trades here: Roc Requests
Looking for:
- Mercenary License
- Rainbow Jars
- Crystalline Ice
- Deviants
- Vermillion
I trade with perfect double homozygous pets, deviants, apparel, backgrounds, potions, magic food, and silver!
Special thank you to those who have helped the newbie me: Sicy, Starblazer, Lorry14, Nightswan, SerialkillerXO, Firehawk, RushingRiver, Canamdragon, MissAkito, Cute but Psycho, Foxxclaw, Sakreeno, LadyNesryn, Monues, Crazeybonez, arete, NightbaneWolf!