Kelpies? HA. Thye are so much scarier than that.
Please don't take this the wrong way, Angel; I realize that kelpies aren't exactly the most popular mythical monstrosty. Kelpies don't disguise themselves as seaweed or rocks; they don't even take the form of any inanimate object. They appear to be perfectly normal horses, white as the foam on an ocean wave's crest. They stand on the shore, seeming to wait for something. It spots you before you spot it, and as you turn your head to see it, it turns toward you. It walks toward you, as if you were what it had been waiting for. This is where you should not run. Walk calmy away as if you're uninterested, never run from anything immortal; it only attracts their attention. If you do run, the kelpie, seeing your flight, will pursue, and though they cannot go far from the water, they are horses; you're a fool to think you can outrun one.
Should you touch one, even worse, ride one, you will find you cannot detatch yourself from its pelt. Thick ropes of seaweed sprout from the white horse, binding you to itself. The seaweed in indestructable; the only way to free yourself is to cut off your hand . . . if you're lucky. The kelpie will then plunge into the sea, taking your poor unfortunate soul to perish in the cold and the dark.
No one knows what kelpies do with their victims. Some say they're devoured, while other simly think that kelpies are heartless sea demons who merely enjoy murder. But, should you ever see a horse, white as an ocean wave's crest calmly standing on the shore or maybe by a swamp or lake, leave it be. if you pretend to ignore it, it will continue pretending to ignore you.
Here is a list of things I need, if anyone is feeling charitable-
Wood, Clay, Cotton, Lazulite, and of course, Vermillion is always good.
70% of the world thinks warrior cats is stupid. 25% say who cares. Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hardcover warrior cat book and slap the other people saying, "Starclan is out for revenge!"