Posted at 2020-11-01 00:00:35 — Link
You found a job offer from Warlocks in your mailbox.

Conclave of Warlocks is looking for Kelpie Liquor!
Travel to islands in Explore and hunt Kelpies to collect the samples:

Visit our exchange station to trade Kelpie Liqour.
Offer is valid until November 8th, 23:59!
Kelpies are menacing carnivorous water creatures who hunt near the shores, mimicking algae, stones, and driftwood. Unfortunate bypassers are eviscerated, dragged into the deep water and devoured leaving only a blood trail leading to the water.
There are rumors that Kelpies have incredible regenerative abilities, don't age, and are practically immortal. Truth or not, but they have the fame of being indestructible in battle. It is advised to avoid them at all costs. The Conclave of Warlocks became interested in researching these peculiar creatures, and they promise to share their finds with you if you provide them with enough test samples.