Posted at 2019-10-31 17:51:49 — Link

The Volcano biome first appeared on October 31, 2019. Beastlords were tasked with finding and collecting Magma Crystals from the charred lands in exchange for goods and costumes. The volcano can now visited at any time.
This guide elaborates on the materials, building, and monsters that will be encountered in the Volcano island biome.

Mouse over rarities to see percentages.
Some items have their exact percent displayed.
Silver per Lvl50 Island

Magma Crystal Adamantine Amethyst Biogas Bubble Clay Cotton Cuttlefish Ink

Emerald Granite Hops Magnetite Marble Laminaria Lazurite

Ore Topaz Quartz Ruby Sapphire Soapshroom Stone

Shell Vermillion Wood Zinc

There are NO food items to be found in the volcano biome.

Salamander Ash Umdhlebi Cinnamologus

Normal Guardian Normal Guardian Normal Guardian

Fire-Forged Scale Bone Living Wood Bones Black Oil Plain Feather Bones
Orthrus Myrmecoleon

Normal Guardian Normal Guardian

Bones Bones

Lava Crystal

A Lava Crystal is similar to a guardian temple except the crystal is guarded by a magma etelia. Their difficulty is inbetween a regular guardian and a tundra etelia.
During the event introducting the Volcano biome, the Lava Crystal would drop magma crystals upon its defeat. Now instead it drops 5-10 vermillion, a random resource, and a chance at zinc for apparel.

Energy Fountain

Restores five energy points to the pet that interacts with it. Useable once per island. Upon succesful use a log message with state "Your pet took a refreshing drink of water and restores 5 energy points."
Travelling Market

The Travelling Market gives a chance to trade 5-10 randomly selected resources of yours for an equal amount of randomly picked items of the traveller's. This building can be influnced by the Atrologist. Some event items can be found at this building.
Magic Shop

The Magic Shop offers a single random item pruchasable for 5,000 silver. Only one can be bought per building. Items that can be offered include schemes, invites, current event items, some premium shop items, and other such goodies.
Hero Cult

The Hero Cult grants a random reward if the visiting pet meets its heroic requirements. It will ask for a pet of genetic power of atleast one 1, 2, or 3. If you pet meets or exceeds the requirement you can expect to get one random item that can include schemes, invites, current event items, some premium shop items, and other such goodies. This building is one use per island.
Temple Guardians

Temple guardians give a random reward upon defeating the champion. The champion will be within the visiting pet's level range, and can be anywhere between genetic power 1, 2, and 3, with an assortment of genetics and abilities. Rewards for defeating this building include schemes, invites, current event items, some premium shop items, and other such goodies.
The Volcano Biome as seen with a travelling magician invite

Updated: 4/24/2022