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  • Angel
  • Game Developer
  • Posts: 3,051

Posted at 2019-11-01 13:44:22 — Link

GoldenLuck (#53288) wrote:

So, I've build the Barn, and I have hard refreshed several times (on the building screen and every where else I could think of), but my barn does not appear in the building's section, nor on the drop down of the inventory, see below screen prints:

Is the building supposed to show there, and how would we know if our food stuffs are stored in there?

And just to add, I've also gone and explored to get food (since I had none) in the hopes that that is the reason the barn is not showing up, so I got some food, did a hard refresh, and nope, my food items are still in my warehouse....

The Barn doesn't change the structure of your inventory but works with the item limit. When you have it in your manor, food doesn't take any inventory slots. The Tack Workshop works the same way.

The Barn image was missing from the Buildings page indeed. The building itself was working fine, but it was quite confusing not to see it among the buildings you have. We're very sorry for this glitch. It is fixed now.

  • Rephayis
  • User
  • Posts: 13

Posted at 2019-11-02 00:00:30 — Link

This might seem like a thick question, but how do you get the Tack Workshop and the Barn? Are they schematics you need to find?


Edit: Cool, thank you for the answer! ↓

  • oblique22
  • User
  • Posts: 26

Posted at 2019-11-02 00:12:39 — Link

Rephayis (#76904) wrote:

This might seem like a thick question, but how do you get the Tack Workshop and the Barn? Are they schematics you need to find?

Yes, blueprints like other buildings. Check, the list is up to date for the new buildings.

  • GoldenLuck
  • User
  • Posts: 44

Posted at 2019-11-02 10:47:35 — Link

Thank you Angel! Didn't see the second page, lol, thank you for your answer, I did notice that wen I got food, my inventory's item amount did not increase, so yes, the barn seems to be working fine, and I do see the barn and the tack shop now. Much appreciation ♥♥♥



  • StarlitWoven
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  • Posts: 83

Posted at 2019-11-14 06:00:25 — Link

Are there plans for seasonal event apparels in the future? I would love to see spring/flower themed apparels for the Egg Hunt and winter/ice themed apparels for the Tundra event! Is it possible for an apparel shop in the future (similar to State or Premium shops, or even apparel available in those shops year-round?)

Currently in trades:


  • Level 50 Deviant Gryphon
    Deviant Dragon (DG2)
  • Almost perfect Lykos (GP3)
  • Almost perfect Cockatrice (GP3)


  • Vermillion (batches of 10, higher quantities negotiable)
  • Hibernating Egg
  • 100+ Clay Stone and Wood

  • Makiko
  • User
  • Posts: 8

Posted at 2019-11-28 15:32:46 — Link

I absolutely love all the new changes you've been putting out recently! :) Thank you for your hard work! I can't wait to collect all the backgrounds :D

  • PurrShadow
  • User
  • Posts: 2

Posted at 2019-12-17 03:41:30 — Link

oh it's ok here are some tips I learned

did you saftey-proof it? it could not work because of it

did you save the code? it may have not did it

did you test it? it could be the code does not work

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