First, let me say, if you would like help with the material and blueprints to upgrade your warehouse, PM me. I know some new players want to be as self-sufficient as possible and don't like it when players send them help. So I don't want to overstep. Now that that's out of the way.
Normally I'd say get rid of your extra schemes and blueprints to make space, but I just checked your joining date and as a fairly new player, I highly recommend you focus on expanding your warehouse instead of getting rid of things. Down the road nearly everything you have will be needed.
Also instead of getting rid of things, make sure you've used all the possible scheme and blueprints in your inventory, once you use one, it's removed from your inventory and put into your library where it doesn't take up inventory space. Something I find many players don't know or learn too late in the game: you can stack blueprints and schemes up to six times, which reduces the silver cost of building that particular building or item. So use them up.
Once you do that, you can put extra schemes and blueprints up in the items exchange for the schemes and blueprints you need. Items on auction and exchange don't count towards warehouse space, so while it's sitting there you should have some free space and once the exchange is accepted you can just learn the new scheme.
I'm pretty sure once you do this you should have enough space, but if not, the auction can be used to store extra stuff, just put what you need to store up at the highest price possible so no one buys it out. However, since your warehouse level is probably still low, using this way seems like trying to swim against the current, you'll have to constantly be putting stuff up and taking them down as you need them.