Posted at 2018-03-15 05:45:32 — Link
So, a private group roleplay.
List of members:
Basically roleplay our beasts here.
~ = Iffy/Aquantainces
+ = Friends
- = Dislike
= = Mates
Patternspine - Na'tai
Tribal + Dogbird
My Characters:
My characters can be seen here
UltraSpammer's Characters
70% of the world thinks warrior cats is stupid. 25% say who cares. Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hard cover warrior cat book and slap the other people saying, "Starclan is out for revenge!”
Hi there! I am Stormclaw! I like to collect different pets. I love my little babies, Bandit, Justice, McKenzie-Rae, Shining Moonlight and Emerald Storm.