Posted at 2016-07-26 16:28:43 — Link
Hello all!
I've been rather busy this last two months... I got married and my Husband and I are closing on a house at the end of July... Not to mention we are going through a very very busy transition at work! With all that I figured I'd add to the stress and get a puppy!
Here she is
I'll probably upload more photos of her at some point, I have a few... This is one from before I met her.
Originally I wanted to name her Freya (Freyja)... but when I met her the name just seemed to fit her sister better...
So now I need help naming.
My list so far:
If you can't tell I like celtic, norse and native american names... In a variety of themes: red, snow, white, winter, loyal, woodsy, fiery, brave, spunky, sunny, cold... you get the idea.
Eventually I will be using her for skijoring... Think sled dog but pulling osmeone on skis
If you have more names to add to the list please let me know!
I plan on taking this list and saying them all to her and seeing which fits her best and what she responds to.
Thanks in advance all :)
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