Posted at 2016-06-08 05:54:39 — Link
I really want a deviant color pet.
Posted at 2016-06-08 05:54:39 — Link
I really want a deviant color pet.
Posted at 2016-06-08 07:51:07 — Link
You don't have to breed a deviant to get a deviant.
To get a deviant, the child must have either homozygous color or pattern.
The easiest and simplest way would be to get a pet with either homozygous color/pattern and breed it to another pet with homozygous color/pattern. That way the child will inherit homozygous color/pattern. Since the child will then meet the requirements for deviance, there will be a 10% chance of the child being a deviant.
You can breed heterozygous pets together if they both carry the same color/pattern. But then there would be a chance the child wouldn't meet the requirements for deviance.