1. Ask the person to leave, so you can take it; may need to bribe, since the more courteous players would have left after they got on.
2. Asking someone with a better squad to kick the person off.
3. Unicorns aren't good until they unlock more tactics, and even then, their highest number of points per round & pet, [not counting tactics, leadership, and critical], is 2-3 -- 3 if confusion, or full movement maneuvers happened before it; they're pretty much an all-rounder tactian, good if you're experience in how Battlefield works and can tell/guess the maneuver of the opponent, otherwise, it's up to chance if you win.
Now then, have some extra items: (Just message me for these.)
16 Emerald Vines
17 Lily of the Valley
1 Pure Diamond
3 Purple Corcus
7 Spring Gem
and 2 possible Pack of Warm Down
Also, got 2 Nightcats, though I'm going to need them later, for the last level in Warehouse, so you can try negociating it with me, but know that it's going to be a tough sale.
My Pet Sales page --
Currently have 3 extra Blueprint: Military Academy level 3
#cfddcf -- #d0e7ba