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  • SuperHappy
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Posted at 2016-04-28 23:57:32 — Link

I was wondering if there was a way to make a drawing look like a lineart?

For example, if I took a sketch of a wolf I made. I want the lines to be thin, but neat, like those in a coloring book.

I was thinking about how I could achieve this effect, maybe with a fine point marker? Or a pen that uses more ink, and is easy to use?



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  • CaleCorvus
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Posted at 2016-04-30 16:42:12 — Link

See if any shops carry the Sakura brand pens near you. They're a very good inking pen and fairly affordable. They come in a bunch of widths, and are generally my favorite. 

Another helpful thing is having a lightbox/table of some sort. They sell small ones that aren't too pricey, and that way you can do the inking on a clean sheet of paper instead of over your pencils and then having to erase the pencil, which can rough up the inks sometimes.

Also, just starting with a very thin inking line and then building it out should make it a little easier to keep the linework clean, so start with a thin pen and then go back over with thicker ones until it looks how you want.

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