Posted at 2016-03-23 05:53:47 — Link
I have this lykos:
And it appears that he is able to use the tactic "strafing strike".
.... except that he doesn't actually have the ice spikes gene, which, according to the FAQ, is necessary for a lykos to use strafing strike. He's got both strafing strike and ice aura in his tactics, which, if I understand the FAQ correctly, should be impossible since ice spikes and ice aura both occupy the skin gene.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's pretty awesome that he can use it (I've been wanting to try out the battlefield for a while now). But it seems a little unfair to just pretend not to notice it if it is actually a mistake, so I figured I should at least look into it before I set him loose to rain destruction upon his foes.
Thanks for your time!