Deathcauser. A young, female cat which is black, a few brown stripes and silver spots and wide amber eyes. As innocent as she may look, she loves to cause mischief and mayhem, but does not live up to her name. She may hurt someone accidentally but never wishes to. Deathcauser is very smart and agile, while extremely fast and quick, hard to catch but really needs to work on her strength. She is slightly weaker than an average cat.
Gracefoot. Gracefoot is a very pretty young she-cat, who is very attracting. She has light golden fur with red stripes on her tail and beautiful wide hazel eyes. She is very agile and graceful, hence living up to her name. She is a very sensible cat that always stays in the lines, never daring to cross it, she is not interested on ever mating so she causes a few heartbreaks every now and then.
Dawnlily. Dawnlily is bright pink and has a few spots of purple. She has a big golden mark on her forehead that resembles the sun. Dawnlily is very smart and is often a teachers pet, she can be mishevious sometimes, but doesn't cause trouble, more into pranks. Her quick and cunning mind helps her to get out of tricky situations, and she is so convincing that when she blames it on others, most teachers believe her.
I rate DuskWillow 7 for the name and 6 for the description. Dawnlily and Duskwillow kind of are the same, but I didn't copy you.
Be Happy!
“We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”
– Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Always in need of expand stable scrolls. Will pay a good amount of silver for it. Potions are also needed, just PM me and we can negotiate the price. Also looking for leather.