Posted at 2013-02-28 18:30:53 — Link

Dear players,
We draw your attention to the recipe requirements updates. Some of the recipes require more resources now in order to balance the excess of these resources found on the islands.
Posted at 2013-02-28 18:30:53 — Link
Dear players,
We draw your attention to the recipe requirements updates. Some of the recipes require more resources now in order to balance the excess of these resources found on the islands.
Posted at 2013-02-28 18:34:06 — Link
Geez! Now I need more stuff! xD
Fine, let's go exploring again then.
10.14.2013 ~ 02.13.2014
I love you more than the world, from the beginning to the end that'll never come.
Posted at 2013-02-28 18:45:21 — Link
Sounds like fun :) I haven't checked the new recipes yet, but I look forward to seeing them! The only thing is, it's already a little hard to come by wood and stone as is
Flying is just throwing yourself at the ground and missing
Posted at 2013-02-28 18:58:19 — Link
"We pay your attention to the recipe requirements updates." can be written more along the lines of "We draw your attention to the recipe requirements updates." You can also use attract.Pay does not work out as well since it is more along the lines of compensate, give, disburse. Plus when you say the sentence aloud it does not sound right.
Otherwise, thank you for letting us know!
Posted at 2013-02-28 19:39:18 — Link
a;sldjkfga I don't understand how there's too much wood/stone on the islands. I was struggling to find 1 wood per every 5-10 islands when the Inn only needed 100 wood, now I have to find 200?
{E: of course, as soon as I posted this I began finding 4-5 wood every island...-shot-}
You can call me Ky<3
Posted at 2013-02-28 20:08:39 — Link
The inn always needed 200 wood. The only thing changed about the inn was adding 200 clay. I know because I was saving to build it, and I have just reached enough last night but now I need clay. xD
Posted at 2013-02-28 20:28:05 — Link
This update does not intend to make the game harder, it's needed to give some value to the resources.
Clay and Adamatine were not used anywhere. Now they have some value because they are needed to construct buildings and craft items. Besides this, there were too many jewels gathered while exploring the islands. Recipes had only 5-10 jewels needed while some of the players after several days of playing already have about 40-50 jewels which is enough or all buildings/items.
We're testing game balance now. If it will be too hard to construct the buildings, we will reduce the cost of the construction.
P.S. The amount of required wood and stone didn't change. On the contrary, we increased the amount of wood and stone on the islands a bit.
Posted at 2013-02-28 20:46:02 — Link
Then I must have been trying to build something else, I swear it said 100 wood before... I'm a derp, don't mind me<3 Though I do wonder what I was trying to build! x) Sorry for the mix-up. c:
You can call me Ky<3
Posted at 2013-02-28 22:22:41 — Link
I never have enough of anything and I'm always low on cash xDDD
Posted at 2013-02-28 23:33:41 — Link
Ouch and here I was just getting a pet to be able to build anything. -.-
Now I have a pet and need tens and hundreds more of items. x_x Please don't make any adjustments in the next week to give players a moment to catch up.
Posted at 2013-03-01 00:43:20 — Link
Guys, the construction didn't become harder. It only requires now those resources which were not required anywhere before this. If you will construct all the buildings in one month, then exploring will transform to a dull process of Vermilion harvesting.
Posted at 2013-03-01 03:42:21 — Link
If you will construct all the buildings in one month, then exploring will transform to a dull process of Vermilion harvesting.
That's what I use explore for right now anyways. I use explore to level my pets, and truthfully don't want to build any buildings because of how many resources they take up.
Posted at 2013-03-01 06:02:56 — Link
*sigh* Now it'll take even longer to get something up... Ah well, it's not like I have anything more important to do. Now if only the energy regened faster...
Posted at 2013-03-01 15:11:30 — Link
I think my sundial went from 5 of each material to 50.... Sigh ^^"
Posted at 2013-03-01 21:59:41 — Link
So additional to not having enough money to buy anything, i'm not anywhere close to having the needed materials, too. *sigh* Its really hard when one just started, no matter how balanced it might be - i just wish the egerny regenerated faster :/