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  • ana24
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Posted at 2016-01-29 07:14:36 — Link

Is there anyone here who has got some tips

on getting past lvl 9 on the tundra as i really want

a etelia and am soo close

  • arete
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Posted at 2016-01-29 12:57:00 — Link

Patience and a good fighting pet :)

My level 50 lykos spent about a week getting my snowflake... All the best. *crosses fingers*

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  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-01-29 13:20:33 — Link

Crossing fingers gets us nowhere. Crossing genes is much more useful. Like counterstrike, which technically allows you to strike twice in the same round. The higher chance for a critical hit the better, because the critical one does more damage. With silent pace, the very first hit is critical. If etelias stalk you, you can stalk them with a puma. If their blizzard blows you down, you can blow them down too, with a massive-winged roc. If they try to turn your powers against you, an unicorn can dodge it and regenerate. An animal with decent genes is all, that is needed.

  • Lorry14
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Posted at 2016-01-29 21:29:08 — Link

I got my snowflake with the help of a pet with Song of Peace.This ability will make the guardian from the portal go away instantly without fighting and energy loss.A good symurgh with good genes,special abilities like counterstrike,regeneration and Song of Peace would be useful.

There are many other pets and gene combination to defeat the guardians and wild etelias.

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  • arete
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Posted at 2016-01-31 10:37:47 — Link

My level 50 lykos had Ice breath and counterstrike, so yes, a good fighting pet, as I said.

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  • ana24
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Posted at 2016-01-31 13:32:34 — Link

I have a level 50 uni at lvl 9 

but my song of peace smurgh 

can't seem to get past about lvl 6

if i am lucky

  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-01-31 14:39:25 — Link

Description for the gene for Song of Peace, from the List of Genes in the Help section, says it can win you one battle per island only, so it is more difficult, if there are more beasts to be defeated. I think it is more useful to focus on simurg's abilities on the whole, while taking Song of Peace as a bonus only, instead of relying on it.  

  • Lytala
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Posted at 2016-02-01 00:15:55 — Link

I haven't been using symurghs this year, but I think the song strategy is to pretty much ignore everything but the portal guardians until you find etelias or the snowflake.

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  • arete
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Posted at 2016-02-02 10:48:35 — Link

Song of peace will defeat the etelia but not give you crystalline ice, just so you know.

The best strategy is to use a pet with some form of elemental strike. Unicorns with magic horn are pretty much useless, and so is anything with shriek, roar, musical larynx/beak or petrify.

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  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-02-02 11:45:00 — Link

Do you know, dear arete, what portal guardians on the tundra islands of all levels are doing to me? They blind me with the magic of their horns, so I miss them, or they roar dreadly, so I miss them. So I treat them the same. One of my favorite tundra explorers is a roc with musical beak and massive wings. Useless? Quiet to the contrary.

On the other hand, any elemental strike can be stopped by elemental resistance, so using ordinary non-elemental attack is perhaps harder, but somewhat more sure way to a victory.

  • arete
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Posted at 2016-02-02 12:08:56 — Link

Haha then my unicorns are out to get me :)

I dunno. I got to about level five and they kept losing.

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  • Sumatra_Echo
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Posted at 2016-02-02 13:57:12 — Link

Pets with stuns are great for taking on the guardians, but no help against Etelias. An elemental strike pet is overall better because you can use it on both guardians and Etelias. You might get a few guardians with Elemental Resistance, but the block chance is low enough that you can often still take them out with elemental strike.

The thing with elemental strike is that it deals elemental damage instead of physical damage, meaning the opponent's defense can't protect against it. Your physical attacks will deal less damage against enemies on the higher Tundra levels, but your elemental attack never will.

  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-02-02 14:47:01 — Link

Unless you encounter an etelia with magic mirror, that reflects everything, regardless of how physical or elemental it is. On the other hand, according to the List of Genes, every etelia is born with ice breath, so having elemental resistance in our genepool is certainly helpful.

What does it mean "less damage in higher tundra levels"? How much less? Higher the level, tougher the monsters; I suppose them having solid or steel constitution with thick skin, so the damage dealt is the same, only their defense is better and better.

  • Sumatra_Echo
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Posted at 2016-02-03 00:25:40 — Link

That is true. Hence why I hate Etelias with Magic Mirror. Fortunately, they can't reflect your stuns back at you, because Ice Heart absorbs it first. At least, I've never had a stun reflected. And Magic Mirror doesn't reflect normal attacks, just special abilities like elemental strike and damage over time. 

I don't know exactly how much less damage, but since the higher level Tundra monsters clearly have very high agility and intuition (e.g., they dodge a lot and land criticals often), it stands to reason that the other stats are also very high, meaning a higher defense rating. Most of my designated Tundra explorers have elemental strike, so I haven't tested it much and can't confirm for sure.

  • Poe
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Posted at 2016-02-03 01:05:15 — Link

Are you sure about the magic mirror? If robust scales are said to resist physical attack (only), and elemental resistance resists elemental attack (only), then I would assume magic mirror reflects both, since its description says "reflects any opponent's ability". But from my experience worse than etelias with magic mirror are those with silent pace; they are able to beat any opponent, no matter, how thick skin they have, during the first round.

As for tundra monsters' stats, they can be high; and I have seen them having magic horns, second breath, even regeneration, which makes it still worse.


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