Posted at 2016-01-21 07:43:30 — Link
Looking to buy more quest pets. I'll list the quests I can't fulfill with my current pets. If you have one or more of these beauties, post or message me with a link to the pet, what quests it can do, and of course the price.
Thank you!
brave (73) Scout Throdama / agile (82) Scout Throdama
Throdama with available Warrior pheromone
clever (54) Puma with Gracefulness
a brave (93) Puma with Steel muscles which is Descendant of Heroes in 2 generations or higher
a brave (57) white Gryphon which is Descendant of Heroes in 2 generations or higher
Gryphon with high intuition (46) with Acute eyesight
clever (49) Cockatrice with ability to breathe acid
tough (92) blue Symurgh
tough (55) Symurgh with Fragrance
brave (68) white Gryphon
Black Bicolor Gryphon