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  • MarsinOz
  • User
  • Posts: 39

Posted at 2016-01-21 07:43:30 — Link

Looking to buy more quest pets. I'll list the quests I can't fulfill with my current pets. If you have one or more of these beauties, post or message me with a link to the pet, what quests it can do, and of course the price.

Thank you!



brave (73) Scout Throdama  /   agile (82) Scout Throdama

Throdama with available Warrior pheromone

clever (54) Puma with Gracefulness

 a brave (93) Puma with Steel muscles which is Descendant of Heroes in 2 generations or higher 

brave (57) white Gryphon which is Descendant of Heroes in 2 generations or higher 

Gryphon with high intuition (46) with Acute eyesight

clever (49) Cockatrice with ability to breathe acid

tough (92) blue Symurgh

tough (55) Symurgh with Fragrance 

brave (68) white Gryphon

Black Bicolor Gryphon

  • MarsinOz
  • User
  • Posts: 39

Posted at 2016-01-23 08:11:35 — Link

Throdama with available Warrior pheromone 

Tan forest Throdama

Cockatrice with Stench

Gryphon with Silly

clever (70) Puma with Saber-toothed which is Descendant of Heroes in 3 generations 

Throdama with available Warrior pheromone

Black Unicorn which is Descendant of Heroes in 2 generations or higher 

  • MarsinOz
  • User
  • Posts: 39

Posted at 2016-03-04 15:58:23 — Link

Any pets? Always looking for more questers.

  • arete
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  • Posts: 2,358

Posted at 2016-03-04 17:54:40 — Link

My long-term strategy is to look in the pound or buy at least one pet that could fulfil a current quest per day -- that way the questers pay for themselves.

You'll find striped black dragons and pure black pumas and white rocs in the pound quite often. The rarer pets with specific genetic traits you can search for in the Pet Trades section, but sometimes it's easier just to breed them.

Alternatively, you can find someone to breed certain pets for you and pay them directly -- when the quest calls for a tan forest throdama or a bird with specific levels of strength and agility and constitution that's descendant of heroes in one generation or higher, for example -- and level them up yourself.

It takes a bit of planning, but sometimes you'll luck out and find a black bicolor gryphon in the pound and research its genes and find it has musical beak -- so it can do two different possible quests, though not at the same time, obviously.

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