Posted at 2015-12-23 22:27:18 — Link
Hell0 every0ne! :3 Welc0me t0 my r0leplay! If y0u'd like t0 apply, here's the neccessay inf0:
- Name 0f character
- Age
- Gender (gender fluidity/agender is accepted)
- Species
- Physical Descripti0n
- Pers0nality
N0w, remember t0 mind the rules!
- Be respectful t0 every0ne here! Every0ne is entitled t0 their 0wn th0ughts and beliefs. N0 tr0lling 0r antag0nizing any0ne, anytime, especially 0ver sensitive t0pics like gender and sexuality! I want this t0 be a prejudice-free thread! This is the m0st imp0rtant rule. All vi0lat0rs will be asked t0 leave!
- N0 0bscenities 0f any kind. Keep it clean, yeah?
- N0 g0d-m0dding!
- Hybrid furries are all0wed, but 0nly up t0 three different species in a character. We d0n't need any badger-m0nkey-d0g-drag0n-li0ns running ar0und!
- Up t0 4 characters per user, regardless 0f age.
- Be as creative as y0u like regarding y0ur furs0na's pelt/scales/feather c0l0rs.
- I d0n't mind y0u including a sketch 0f y0ur character, if y0u want t0! :)
- Repeat 0ffenders that break rules m0re than 5 times (Save f0r the first rule-that's an aut0mmatic I'll-kick-y0u-0ut-and-rep0rt-y0u) will be asked t0 leave the r0leplay.
- Have fun! That's what r0leplays are f0r, right?~
I'll p0st and update a list 0f characters as pe0ple arrive. :D Have fun, every0ne~
I'm 0kay with a l0t 0f things n0w.
~Aradia Megido
It's hard, Kan. It's hard, bein a kid and growwin up, and nobody understands.
~Eridan Ampora
Sometimes, the future is irrelevant. All that matters is now, and whether or not you decide that it should.
~ Anonymous