Werew0lf name: Feylan S0this
Class: S0phistocated; th0ugh her m0ther was a party animal.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Human- Sh0rt with dark brown hair t0 her hips and tan skin; dark, seri0us eyes that blacken when angered. Wears red hipster-ish glasses. Is m0st 0ften seen wearing faded black 0r grey skinny jeans and a baseball tee/t-shirt 0ver turtleneck. Belt is black studded leather with a chain hanging. Always wears C0nverse, usually red 0r black. Scar acr0ss t0p-right 0f f0rehead near hairline; alm0st always hidden. Always wears leather ch0ker.
W0lf- M0stly black with lighter grey stripes acr0ss back and legs; eyes are intense amber. While small, even f0r a S0phisticated w0lf, she is very fast. F0r s0me 0dd reas0n, Feylan has bright red streaks d0wn her sides. Appears t0 have red third eye marking 0n f0rehead.
Pers0nality: Mainly reserved. Ar0und friends, she's the l0udest. 0ne 0f the m0st l0yal w0lves y0u'll ever meet. It's hard t0 anger her, but she is a true beast when angry! Seems t0 prefer talking t0 party animals rather than 0ther s0phisticated w0lves, but really d0esn't care ab0ut s0cial divides. Feylan is very wise f0r her age.
I'm 0kay with a l0t 0f things n0w.
~Aradia Megido
It's hard, Kan. It's hard, bein a kid and growwin up, and nobody understands.
~Eridan Ampora
Sometimes, the future is irrelevant. All that matters is now, and whether or not you decide that it should.
~ Anonymous