Posted at 2015-09-19 05:32:41 — Link
I am looking for someone who is not working on getting their Carpo. This can be because the event is too hard, you don't have the time, or you aren't interested in the Kami, but, regardless of the reason, your Kami Event is going unfinished which means that, when the event ends, your Carpo will never exist in the game. You do not benefit from that at all, do you? Instead of letting the oppurtunity pass I want to make a deal, but this will only extend to one person.
I will provide all of the items required. That means I will send:
- 1000 of each food type
- 150 of the golem foods
- 50 Green Apples
- 50 Pumpkins
- 50 Blossoms
- 5 Wines
- 5 Ciders
- 1 Money Tree Seed
- 1 Phoenix Wreath
- 1 Grade 3 Harvester Throdama
What I'd need from you:
- Turn the items in to cross off the objectives
- Start the construction of the Golems
- Make it to the Crimson Tree on the Battlefield
- Beat Carpo in a fight, then send Carpo to me
For the Crimson Tree requirement I can send a couple Squad Energy Packs to you to help with that.
PM me and we can work out a deal for what you'd get in exchange for letting me get your Carpo. I can not offer Premium Shop exclusive items, I do not have the gold for it, but I do have plenty of good items to offer. I can also offer deviant Pumas. Better than your Carpo not going to anyone, right?