Boards < Bugs & Suggestions < Suggestions < Punnett Squares.


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  • Stryke
  • User
  • Posts: 3

Posted at 2015-07-25 13:00:29 — Link

I think the introduction of Punnett squares would be a helpful and educational addition to the site. Instead of wrting out all my pets genes to compare side by side, they could be automatically put in when the parents are selected. This way you can quickly and easily see all of the genetic possibilties for the offspring.

  • Saccharissa
  • User
  • Posts: 93

Posted at 2015-07-25 13:07:13 — Link

While a guide on what the squares are and how they work might indeed be a very interesting addition, I'm not sure having it as an automated feature would provide much benefit.
To me, it feels like overcomplicating things - a bunch of coding to generate a big, confusing overview of what is essentially a very simple thing.

Optional things are never bad, but I personally wouldn't use this feature, I feel it's easier to look at the gene combo you're interested in, than to hunt it down some big list.
If it were added, it could be an interesting idea for a new building to add to our manor.

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