Posted at 2015-02-28 18:07:09 — Link
Alright so I finally got my hands on one of these loser eggs by myself, which has pretty much been my sole goal for the past couple days since I came back from hiatus. I have the Liquid Deviance to upgrade it, but since it's likely to be the only egg I can get/hatch (I doubt I'll be able to get more Liquid Deviance or find another in the time left, even though I literally just set to crafting 20 portal cells prior to finding it) I'd like to grab at least one bottle of Liquid Vermillion to guarantee it'll be a decent bae, especially since I'm not really planning on breeding Lykos atm.
I don't have much silver on me atm, but I do have a bunch of things to trade:
Amnesia Potion, Energy Drink, Bamboo Berries, Cactus Melon, Dragon Maple, Heart Fruit, Mutagen, Nut Pea, Magic Bomb, Rainbow Jar, Invites (misc) and possibly those Portal Cells in approx 3.5 hrs.