Posted at 2015-01-13 06:52:20 — Link
Thank you Nightingale! You are very helpful. i'm glad you spend time doing things for us.
Starclan is watching over you.
Posted at 2015-01-13 06:52:20 — Link
Thank you Nightingale! You are very helpful. i'm glad you spend time doing things for us.
Starclan is watching over you.
Posted at 2015-01-13 16:11:10 — Link
Sakreeno - My recessive merle boy is called Mosu (he's given me the merle pups) and the other recessive boy is called Voski. And the brown merle boy is Marlowe. Just put the cost at whatever you think is fair :)
Nightingale - A little update for your list, if you're making one, Awolfpaw has a couple of merles :)
Posted at 2015-01-13 16:50:54 — Link
I finally bred a Homozygous Merle male! This little pup will be used to help breed more of that pattern within my stables, but I may accept breeding requests.
Posted at 2015-01-14 03:33:32 — Link
Congrats Sylviianel ^_^
I have just managed to breed a female grey merle :) She's double merle, but I don't know about her colour yet (I ran out of vermillion....again!) If you want to breed them in hopes of a merle pup we could try that - with the pup coming to you when grown, of course :)
Posted at 2015-01-14 05:18:18 — Link
Wonderful! I can make a list for you too if you'd like! I can easily whip one up. I can just copy/paste (but that will be long, so I'll PM that unless you want me to post). I don't have any merles but would love one. It's no problem, I can easily search to make it easier :) And I can add those :D
Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls
Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr |
Posted at 2015-01-14 05:55:49 — Link
I'd like to see a list of the Lykos who have it as either dominant or dominant and recessive.
Posted at 2015-01-14 21:11:32 — Link
Yeah, I'd like to see a list too :) It'll be nice to see who has what available for breeding especially.
If I can breed any more merles Nightingale would you be interested in one? I can offer you first refusal on it if you like?
Posted at 2015-01-15 02:46:25 — Link
I would love one! I have a recessive female merle just hatched today!
I'll send a list tomorrow, sadly I can't do it from my phone! :) feel free to send me a message so I have a reminder in my inbox.
Always looking for Expand Stable Scrolls
Chan eil aon chànan gu leòr |
Posted at 2015-01-15 03:49:17 — Link
I now have 3 titles to help organize my Lykos into projects. If one of my Lykos fits into a skin one they're being marked for that project, although they may also fit into Adept Breed.
Posted at 2015-01-15 04:33:46 — Link
Nightingale - Congrats on her! She's gorgeous! Feel free to try her with any of my available males. Hopefully pup will pick up the merle gene and keep the Mama's colour! I haven't seen many black merles. I have another brown merle today! A boy, so if you want to work something out for him that'll be great :)
Sylviianel - Wow, you're organised! I don't have the patience for most of that, although I have split some off now into groups so I (kind of) know what I'm trying to do with them ^_^
Posted at 2015-01-15 22:12:37 — Link
Woohoo! Bred another Homozygous Merle, another male. A red one this time, and he also fits into my Adept Breed project with 0 negatives and 9 positives. He'll be available for Merle breeding after he reaches lvl 50.
Posted at 2015-01-16 02:28:48 — Link
Aww that's great Sylviianel! I haven't many reds....actually I think I may have only seen one! When the gorgeous boy gets to level 50 may I request a breeding?
Posted at 2015-01-16 04:10:37 — Link
Breedings with him will depend on the female. I don't have his offspring to be poor due to bad genes being passed on to him. I've already seen several degeneration 2 Lykos and it kills me a little inside wach time I see them. People inbreeding Lykos, I think that's become a new pet peeve of mine.
(There are 96 degen 1 Lykos and 23 degen 2 in the game that can be seen through searching pets with the ajax-pet-search. Thankfully there are no degen 3 yet, but with how things are detiorating I'm not sure how much longer that'll last. )
Ebisu, my first Homozygous Merle pup, will be grown by 5:00 Game Time. Since he doesn't meet my Adept Breeders standards (he has 1 Negative, Deaf, and only 6 Positives), I think I'll start breeding him instead of training to lvl 50 first.
Posted at 2015-01-16 07:09:19 — Link
Yeah, the inbreeding thing bugs me too :/ .....but I do have to hold my hands up to the fact I have done it :( I sometimes forget to check back far enough when choosing breeding pairs :/ That's where my mistakes come from...I don't do it deliberately for genes or whatever. I try to SPSB the ones I end up with to take them out of the game, unless I plan to keep them.
Posted at 2015-01-16 07:34:33 — Link
Here is my handsome merle brown boy!
Starclan is watching over you.