Posted at 2014-07-12 15:26:57 — Link
NEWS (08/09/14): Limited registration is still open! Indomita is already accepting less than a hundred members now so sign up before it's too late!
So, hey guys. :D I know it's a longshot seeing as the game is still in closed alpha, but does anyone here play Indomita? I'd love to hear some insight and thoughts from the Indomita players here!
Indomita is an up and coming wild horse simulation game set in the fictional island of Paradisus. While the site has a long way to go and you'll no doubt see a bug from time to time, you can tell by the owner, Lucy's, dedication and the rate of updates being added that this game has real potential. I've just joined myself and the community has been really welcoming and kind. In my opinion, Indomita isn't strictly for horse lovers. I have never owned a horse and I dream of taking in a cat relatively more than I dream about caring for my own horse, but I've fallen for this site.
Some of the Artwork:
Current Features:
- Play as a stallion and start your own herd. You can claim mares, make alliances to trade fillies, make enemies to challenge for their mares. There are other options to pursue, such as joining another herd as second in command or staying a bachelor.
- Play as a mare and explore several different role options. You can become a lead mare to a herd, become an explorer to find bonuses for your herd members, or you can use knowledge to help raise the foals.
- Quest daily to raise stat points.
- Interact daily to raise herd reputation, strengthen friendships, and influence your young foals' developing personalities.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the site, nor its' art of any of the content. I'm simply a player who enjoys the game.
More info:
Official Tumblr blog:
Official website: