Boards < Advertising < Wanted Ads < Needed Male Cockatrice


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  • trashcan907
  • User
  • Posts: 27

Posted at 2014-07-08 22:54:53 — Link

I am looking to breed my cockatrice, and was wondering if any of yours might have these positive genetics that I might be able to breed into mine.

Caliber carries the following desired genes(recessive):
Sharp teeth
Spitting Muscle

Her only desired dominant gene is "Think Skin"

The rest of her genes are normal.

She has NO degenerations and is level 50.
I'm not looking for a specific color, I'm just after the genes.

  • shana5
  • User
  • Posts: 240

Posted at 2014-07-09 00:54:54 — Link

I have lots of cockatrices in cokatrice and acid project tabs, so have a look if any suits you ;)

I collect custom skined pets...

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