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  • Rune
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Posted at 2013-02-23 04:30:05 — Link

I'm painfully awkward at introductions, so I'll keep this short.

I'm Rune and you might know me from Aywas as Rune Cat or Tumblr as AttackTheMap. I'm one of those artist types, but I also lurk in my spare time. I've only done a beta test once before (Eden Eternal, I think) and it was great, so I think I'll enjoy this one too. I'm a bit of a grammar nazi since I'm a languages major in university (French, specifically) and I already noticed a few things to fix in the tutorial dialog xD

  • Mars
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Posted at 2013-02-23 04:32:11 — Link

Hi, Rune! Welcome to BeastKeeper! n 0 n Ahhh, I don't think I've ever heard of Eden Eternal, and sadly I don't know you from Aywas either. But hi there, I'm Mars! It's nice to meet you! :D French is a pretty awesome language-- I regret not taking French. I took Spanish instead because I thought it would be an easy grade haha. {Aaaand it was.}

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying {and continue to enjoy} your time here on BeastKeeper! :3 Feel free to send me a message if you're confused about anything and have questions, or if you'd just like to chat. I'm rather talkative. I hope to see you around! n w n

  • Lumiesque
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Posted at 2013-02-23 04:51:04 — Link

Hello Rune!

Welcome to BeastKeepers!

French is an amazing language. I love it. There is actually a thread for reportinhh typos in the 'bugs' forum.

Anyways, I'm Lumesque, but you can call me Mie.



  • Rune
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  • Posts: 30

Posted at 2013-02-23 04:53:18 — Link

I know I've heard of you on Aywas, but I don't think I've ever talked to you. I tend to keep a low profile, too. Trying to keep off the AC, you know? xD

Ehh, French loses it's charm after almost 10 years of verb conjugations. Funny story, though. My dog's vet is French and she audibly gasped when I said I never took immersion through high school. I'm at a severe disadvantage because of that but I'm doing well enough without it.

I just might take you up on your offer and send you a message later on. I really need to be more social and no better place than a brand new site!

Edit: Missed your post there, Mie, sorry xP Unfortunately, I didn't think to write down the typos I saw. Perhaps someone can give me a script if I ask. Are you also from Aywas? I seem to recall people mentioning a 'Mie'.

  • Mars
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Posted at 2013-02-23 04:59:31 — Link

Really? Well I'm under a different name on Aywas if you're talking to me, but maybe you saw me before the name change. XD {Less yo talkin' to Mie, then woops forget this comment.}

Oh is that so? Awh. Well, needless to say, that's still pretty awesome I think. The only word I know in French is Bonjour. And that's rather pathetic haha. And ahhh, well, yes at least you're still doing well! n o n

Haha, awesome. :3 Feel free to! I promise I don't bite, haha. (x I agree, there's no better place for a fresh start than a new site~

  • Rune
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  • Posts: 30

Posted at 2013-02-23 05:11:53 — Link

Pfft, I'm thinking of the wrong person then xP You wouldn't be Sven or Ela, would you? Your avatar reminds me of their style.

Well if you want to be specific about it, technically you know 2 words; "bon" means "good" and "jour" means "day". So when you say "bonjour", it literally means "good day". It's a rather formal greeting, and you would use "salute" (last two letters are silent) for a casual greeting. ~*~the more you know~*~ xD


  • Lumiesque
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  • Posts: 309

Posted at 2013-02-23 05:30:14 — Link

Nope, I'm not on Aywas.

I'm on mweor and chickensmoothie though.



  • Mars
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  • Posts: 124

Posted at 2013-02-23 15:38:42 — Link

Haha, no I wouldn't. My Aywas name is Pandam. I'm pretty low-lying there too. (x And haha, how ironic!

Really. Oh. Well sweeeeeeeeet, I'll never remember that but at least I now feel more knowledgeable about the French language, yes. :D

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