Posted at 2014-04-19 01:21:25 — Link
No, I'm kidding. XD
Anywho, I'm Sinbad. I was introduced to the site by my twin sister, known as Seraphina, yesterday. I have to say, this website looks absolutely epical. My favorite creature so far is the Gryphon. It was my first pet on here, too. Her name is Sylvein Winterfell.
I love to read, draw, write, and a bunch of other stuff. Have an interesting RP you think I should join? PM me. You can also PM me with any questions you may have. Don't worry, I don't bite. Well, I don't bite often, anyways.
I highly enjoy MLP:FiM. Yeah, I know, My little pony. It's actually not that bad. I like Warriors, and Dragon RPs, horse RPs, any kind of fantasy RP, and a lot more. Seriously, don't be afraid to send me a PM to say hi. I'll always respond, though I might take a bit.
So, It's a pleasure to be a part of this wonderful website, and I can't wait to explore it and its awesome community~
"In a distant land, far, far away from man, deep in the galaxy, lives a world in which all of the magickal creatures that once were on earth, live. They fled long ago, due to the terrorism of mankind, and found an uninhabited planet, where they now live. But now mankind is reaching out, determined to find life in outer space. One of each species, one generation. They will save us all, and they will rise to the challenge ahead, ready to face their destiny." -The Book of Forgotten Lore