Posted at 2014-04-18 13:30:27 — Link
Currently I am in need of 4 Spirit in a Jars and multiple crafting items. I have other portal items to trade for the spirits and tons of silver and wild-caught Symurghs and Throdamas for trade. I am always looking for pets with multiple of the following: fire breathing, acid spit, counterstrike, gracefulness, berserker/boiling blood, electric attack, tornado, second breath, and any 2-point defense tactics for my battle breeding pool. I will always consider trading pets in my main and sale tab, but please don't ask for any pets in the other tabs.
Here's what I have for trade:
Astrologist lvl 2, Laboratory lvl 2, Military Academy lvl 3, Ridinghall lvl 5, Townhall lvl 5, Warehouse lvl 6
Currently I need 4 spirit in a jar. I have vermillion, mutagen, pink fish eggs, some leather, multiple blueprints from the portal and an overwhelming number of ancient horns to trade. If you don't see the exact trade you want in the exchange, PM me with your offer. Also, I still have plently of portal pets (symurghs and throdamas) who need new homes (free to people on the mirror world with non-standard tactics teams).