Posted at 2014-03-19 04:33:17 — Link
This might be a bit of a strange request, since I'm not looking for pets OR items, but someone who can train pets for me.
Basically, I spend a lot of time lurking in the forums....that means barely any time to level up or explore with my pets, and lack of simple building materials or pets/levels for quests and events.
Therefore, I decided to start hiring "trainers", who are people who help me level my pets while I'm lazing off in the forums XD
Im pretty much hiring anyone who is willing to help. You can do it any way you want. Arena, explore, riding hall, whichever way you think is most efficient! I'm open to anything, as long as it works well. These should be pretty easy to level, all are GP 2+ pets with all greens. (and yes, you get to keep all items and money gained from exploring and quests)
Now, you may be thinking, "why would I do that? I have my own pets to level!" Well, I have an answer! I'll pay you for your services! You'll receive a "salary" for every few levels.
Level 5 - 1k silver
Level 10 - 2k silver
Level 15 - 4k silver plus one random invite in my inventory
Level 20 - 5.5k plus one random blueprint from my inventory
Level 30 - Choice of 10k silver or 5 gold coin credits
Level 40 - Choice of 13k silver or 10 gold coin credits
Level 50 - 15 gold coin credits plus 5k silver
You can also substitute 1k of silver for any pet from this group:
There are some good ones, some bad ones, just look through them and see what you want :) They're worth 1k silver so just subtract the silver amount from your salary per pet you take from the group (so if you level one of my pets to level 5 and claim one of the pets as part of your salary, you get the pet you chose plus 2k - 1k = 1k silver)
I WILL pay extra for fast workers.
You receive your salary once you are done leveling the pet, and yes the salaries build up so if you reach level 50 you will get ALL the payments, not just the one you receive for leveling them to 50. However, if you quit in between, you will only receive the payment for that level (so say I quit at level 20, I'm only allowed to claim payment for level 20)
That's pretty much all you need to know XD Oh, and if an event pops up that involves adventuring OR I need the pet for a quest, ill take it back and return it once I'm done.
Wah that was a lot of words. Thanks for reading and please let me know if you're interested! XD
Hey everyone!