Posted at 2014-02-11 12:55:29 — Link
Kami of Love and Kami of Joy would be absolultely fantastic for Valentine´s Day <3
Posted at 2014-02-11 12:55:29 — Link
Kami of Love and Kami of Joy would be absolultely fantastic for Valentine´s Day <3
Posted at 2014-02-11 14:01:22 — Link
I have a travelling magiian invite from exploring and it says: he uncovers the fog of war when passing trough the portal. What does that mean ?
Posted at 2014-02-11 15:59:30 — Link
It means that when you enter a portal to an island, you will not have the usual blackness that you only uncover step by step, but instead you will see the whole island right away.
Posted at 2014-02-11 17:32:07 — Link
Timain Thanks for explaing to me ^^
Also some other types of Kamis would be great only if they're new and not a transformation of the already existing one ^^
Posted at 2014-02-12 00:12:46 — Link
Great to see the follow-up on the event story!
I do, however, think that this should be a one-time thing; I don't want to see this game swamped with bunches of "speshul" pets. Maybe this time next year we could have another event like this, but once a year is more than enough.
And now, can we *PLEASE* have the food back on the market!
Posted at 2014-02-12 00:22:37 — Link
It's sure that the kamis are best like the 4 first, and a event like this once are allright, but for me it doesn't matter if there are a second one in the year, just that they're not to close to eachoter but with some other new creatures. Why not from Norse mythology for a next time to change ?
Posted at 2014-02-12 01:29:49 — Link
@WitchWolf I agree that a ton of event pets would make them less special - but we definitely need more of them. As more users join and higher GP pets with better genetics are bred, those pets will become more and more common. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before you'll be able to buy a GP3 pet with great genes for 5000 silver. Kami, on the other hand, can't breed. They'll always be worth a lot - and as more users join, they'll actually go up in demand. Unless a fundamental change is made to breeding, GP, the lifecycle, etc. of standard pets, event pets are the only pets guaranteed to retain value over time.
*~*Combat Unicorns*~*Deviant Rocs*~*Silver&Gold Cockatrices*~*
Posted at 2014-02-12 02:25:56 — Link
Sadly, I've seen more than enough of other breeding games that adopted the same philosophy and invariably blew it big time.
After a while, every breeding game faces the same problem you mentioned - "Top Class" pets become more and more common as time goes by and senior users have had enough time to build their lines to perfection. What BK has going for it in that department is the inbreeding factor: most "top pets" eventually end up being related to one another so in order to continue the lines, players have to resort to introducing wild pet genes. thus, "top pets" cannot go out of hand as quickly and assuredly as they do on most other games.
It still remains a problem, though. However, intorducing more "special" pets to the game is not the solution. Because once you go down that road, the next thing that happens is that those "special" pets are in demand and the original breeding game gets pushed to the sidelines: the "special" pets become what's wanted and fewer and fewer players even care about breeding the "regular" kind. I'd hate to see that happen on here.
Which is why I'm all in favour of various events that give the game's world and setting a background, that gives it story and makes players feel like they're in a living world instead of a static setup. But I am against bringing in "special" pets or special anythings more often than once per year tops. It's the regular bred pets that should retain high value over time, not special pets to drop by and steal the spotlight.
In other news, I'm really hoping the food gets back on the market!
Posted at 2014-02-12 02:51:55 — Link
Im actually agreeing with mosaic and Torvhal here. As more and more players join the game, the ratio of players to kami pets will get higher and higher until kami's have an incredibly unreasonably high price.
So, we definitely need more kami's just no too many so that we can keep the players to kami's ratio just right.
As for food in the market, I don't think that will be coming back any time soon, but you'll probably get a few sellers if you post up an ad in the wanted sales.
Hey everyone!
Posted at 2014-02-12 03:11:37 — Link
Ok, thanks! You make an excellent point - unique/event pets don't increase the value of standard pets at all. They just create a new market. This doesn't address the issue of decreasing standard pet value, merely the overall economy. I did make a suggestion over here for making breeding a bit more interesting, but I'm not sure how much effect it would have.
Right now degeneration and breeding limit appear to be the main restrictions on producing 'top class' pets. Are there other mechanics that do so in BK? I'm only familiar with one other breeding game (Horse Isle - Lifecycle), so I don't have too much information. Players there were able to neuter their high-gene colts, but I don't know if that would fit well in the BK universe. What strategies have you seen other breeding games use?
Thankfully the Kami aren't overpowered. They have no GP and aren't breedable. I don't know that they hurt standard pet value, but they don't help it, either. Perhaps there could be more events like the Salamandar event - centered around standard pets, providing items and buffs for them. Such items also create sort of a side-market, but at least they'd be related to regular pets instead of displacing them.
(Is this completely OT? I apologize if so.)
Definitely on-topic: I hope the warlocks' indecipherable formulas summon a Kami of Knowledge. A big old librarian owl Kami!!
Edit: @Imitatia I agree that Kami prices will probably become monstrous - but I think that's their intended purpose. Sort of like the Chicken Smoothie UR's? Like Chicken Smoothie, however, perhaps we could have some way to balance them so they don't become overwhelmingly unobtainable (with their annual re-release). Maybe the Kami will invade again, in the distant future?
*~*Combat Unicorns*~*Deviant Rocs*~*Silver&Gold Cockatrices*~*
Posted at 2014-02-12 03:33:19 — Link
Nice idea you have there!
I am not sure how, exactly, do we *need* more Kamis (or similar specials)? The fact is, we don't really "need" them. Yes, they're very nice, yes I thoroughly enjoyed catching the two I got, yes the whole event was heaps of fun and I loved it! And yep, they'll go up in price should anyone decide to sell theirs. But we still don't "need" them.
My point being, the whole thing with the Kami was exceptionally amusing: it gave a story, it made us work for them, above all, it made us work harder with the regular pets that we have and that is a brilliant thing. So I'd say what we really might need is more events like that. Not events where you score a special new pet, but events that are fun to work on, give us a good story to relate to, have a nice end goal in sight and make use of what's already here on the game (ie, focusing on breeding or using the genetically right pets).
By the way, why do you think the food won't come back to the MArket any time soon?? I see no reason for it to just evaporate for good. Sure, pets are all nicely fed, be it with the food from the Inventory or with the automatically deducted money every turnover. I still infinitelly prefer to be able to buy my own while at the same time, I positively loathe the idea of having to go on 'forage' trips all over Europa if I want some food in my Warehouse. I certainly hope that won't come to pass - it would be a major turn-off.
Posted at 2014-02-12 03:38:28 — Link
Regarding the food, I bet Famine took it all. He's probably round and fat by now XD
*~*Combat Unicorns*~*Deviant Rocs*~*Silver&Gold Cockatrices*~*
Posted at 2014-02-12 07:08:17 — Link
LOL! I *was* thinking along the similar lines. Might take a wee bit to regrow all the noms.
On that note, careful with wishing for that Chocolate Cookie kami! The way the Warlocks always mess things up, they're bound to summon a kami that will *take* all our cookies! Imagine the horror...
Posted at 2014-02-12 11:32:19 — Link
mosaic yea, LOL. Probably XD He was too hungry to let something stay ^^