Posted at 2014-01-27 02:28:38 — Link
The offer is over! Got enough pets for Death, thank you :)
Basically what the title says. I have several unwanted symurghs in this group. They are nothing special but it's better to have a starter symurgh than not to have any :) I don't need them but I need the pets to sacrifice for Kami and it's really the time to clean some space in my stables. I'm willing to swap them for any of your unwanted pets, one symurgh for one other pet, the worse the better!
The same concerns all other pets up to level 3 in my sales group in case if you're interested :) I just feel that they do not deserve to be trash dumped but I do not have enough time to train and breed them myself, so I will be happy if they will find new owners.
Please post the pet ids or urls here so other players will know that they're taken before I send them.
Nightingale edit: Locking so to save you unwanted spam as this is over.